
Yes, meglomania.

Whoa- that’s the perfect way to put it.

Nah, Trump is his own thing. We’re not going fast enough, but everyday more people get that sexual assault is a gigantic issue.

It’s not. Kara wants to take Banks’ side but it’s looking like it was her fault. So Kara makes something up.

I don’t think it’s because she’s black and he’s white. I think it’s because Kara was so over the top defending her during the Igloo Azalea episode, plus other positive articles she wrote about Banks.

It’s the opposite. We ruined the term Nazi and any comparison to Hitler by overusing them for years and year.

In the past decade, mocking people for believing in religion has become pretty lucrative as well.

Churches don’t issue threats to force people to donate. You are always free to attend a church and not pay a dime.

But she’s Chinese. Hate crimes have to be based on hate or prejudice against a group, not leveraging the same culture as yours for a scam.

It makes sense that he was cleared. You can’t really say he “committed” murder or manslaughter, even though he was responsible for putting her in that position. She did fall either accidentally or killed herself.

This is an unconvincing article.

No, he envisions them having know what, I’m not suing that dumb term.

Women aren’t discriminated against when it comes to child rearing. It’s far more likely people criticize dads, but both parents are in the same position of getting criticism no matter what they do.

How can anyone not believe her? She’s the 10th one.

The biggest issue unions face is borne out by the positions you mentioned. Superintendent, foreman, etc. All of jobs that have died out along with manufacturing. Unions are great for factories and the like, but they peaked right when we were in the middle of the post WWII manufacturing bubble caused by the loss of

Also, and I apologize for adding a sidebar, but I’m in the greys. So nobody would’ve read this if I’d started a comment thread...

Not to mention that the countries with worse inequality than the US all have much larger social nets and higher unionization than the US (except Chile).

Yes, they see the savings. There is zero doubt about that. Everything from produce to TV’s has lower prices because of imports. It’s not a question.

Yep. It’s easy to keep blaming the rich, CEO’s, and GOP lawmakers. But consumers only care about themselves. It’s also why we don’t have a “Made in the USA” movement.

You were okay until that last sentence. Then you did the exact same thing he did by pretending you knew what happened.