
Yeah, and though this article says it’s not clear why they left, other articles made it clear. She said that anyone who didn’t like what she said can leave and called for security to remove anyone who was booing.

It couldn’t have been. Kara said the natural hair movement started in the early 2000's.

Which comes with the underlying effect of never allowing you to make mistakes like us white people get to. And if you do, they don’t want to admit it, which means they’re not allowing you to learn and grow.

Still, it’s a good example of how complicated it is to claim something cultural. It neglects that the culture in question had influences as well and often work symbiotically with peer cultures.

Of course his living wage was the equivalent of less than $5 per hour in today’s money, whereas these employees currently earn $22 per hour.

True, but if we’re going to talk about replacement dollars, any money taken from the endowment of a place like Harvard means a dollar that won’t be used toward providing tuition assistance to lower income students, or towards fixing the sexual assault issue.

Distractions are bad half the time and good half the time. There’s never any way to know how it affects a team, or even in hindsight point to how a distraction actually changes anything about executing on the field. Plus we don’t actually know how his teammates and coaching staff feel about all of this. Not to mention

We can and do impose restrictions, but I agree that we should increase the safety measures.

Not as intended by the manufacturer, who then sells to a dealer, who also doesn’t intend for the weapon to be used that way. Nor is it the intended use from a legal standpoint.

As there are for guns. No felons, no people with mental health issues, must be over 18, rules for where, when, and how you can carry a gun, etc. Every FFS dealer does a background check on the national database for every gun purchase, something not necessary for a car.

And that would be dealer negligence anyway, not negligence on the part of Remington Outdoors, who were the ones being sued.

They are not special immunities. Federal courts can throw out spurious lawsuits of any kind. The law is to keep the gun manufacturers from having to re-prove in court that they are still not liable for damages caused by non-negligent sales of their product, as trying to bankrupt them through legal costs was a tactic

The gun manufacturer wasn’t negligent like the Saudi government (though I agreed with Obama’s ban). All Remington Outdoor did was sell a gun to Lanza’s mother, who passed the background checks. Adam Lanza was not legally allowed to use those guns.

While you have a point about nitpicking, not vetting the terms used also means ignoring that “assault weapon” is a term made up by the gun control lobby to falsely separate some semi-auto weapons from others, and the “assault weapons ban” doesn’t actually ban the guns themselves.

So you ask for evidence and then say people against gun control are sociopaths? Physician, heal thyself.

And if he was holding a gun on you, you wouldn’t care if he corrected your terminology.

Who isn’t upset by the anti-Semitism?

There is a huge difference between defending a position and defending someone’s right to express a position. In this case, I think the people criticizing the school are wrong because the kids used hate speech. But barring that, idiots and assholes have the same right to free expression as anyone else, which in no way

Not true. Public high school students have the same 1st Amendment rights as everyone else.

Nothing is going to happen. You’re fine.