
Alternate take (#2)- With fewer than 500k watching either channel out of the huge sports audience, the biggest difference in viewership is probably people knowing the show is on at all. FS1 has the problem of so many people not even realizing they have it. Having Bayless does at least address that issue.

90,000 viewers x 200 shows (plus reruns)= 18,000,000 impressions. So it’s more like 35 cents per view, and some unknown number of total different viewers (I hate no idea how many new viewers there are per’s always way more than you’d think though).

I don’t agree with her, but it’s a shame people can’t say “I respect her, so maybe I should double check my beliefs” instead of dismissing her because it’s counter to what they believe.

Relationship vs Casual Encounter doesn’t have two different rules. This case comes down to whether the accused knew that she was too drunk to consent. Since blackouts can mean many different things, and since none of us have any information beyond what has been released, it’s impossible to say whether this was rape.

Ahhh...all of that would’ve been good information for the article. Thanks for posting it.

The person willing to pay $200 for the “Luke’s” hat must be a fool. Luke’s hat was blank. You can buy a blank, blue cap for $10.

Yeah, it’s a bit broad in general.

But this isn’t really a story about balance or journalism. It’s about the dark side of libel laws. The libel laws in the US are much tougher, and she wouldn’t have gone through decades of grief.

True, though we’ve found out several times that witnesses are just as bad.

I have no evidence other than one person, but Nikki Glaser, who had issues with eating disorders for years and presented at the Lowe roast, says she could tell instantly that Coulter is pretty deep into that or something similar.

Tuition is via student loans. Most of the problems with tuition costs going out of control are because universities lost their direct subsidies in favor of putting more money into subsidizing loans. Good intentions turned bad, and we tend to react by asking for more of the same.

That is annoying, as well as the whole “no atheists in a foxhole” argument. Right, because someone facing imminent death has the clearest thinking!

Yeah, he’s essentially an attention whore who places his own needs above the rest of the world. It’s not a surprise when he does something smart or something remarkably stupid.

And while it’s still a stupid, overused set up, it’s pretty normal for the men who make those shows (or show run or run studios) to have that situation IRL. The difference, of course, is that they are multi-millionaires successful in their field as opposed to the characters they create with normal jobs and lives.

How did you know they always pass judgement?

But don’t we also think of guys as bumbling and stupid because of those characters? I’d love to see a show where an average looking woman has a hot husband. But...the wife will then have to be the butt of the jokes and the husband the intelligent, sensible one as well.

It’s gross but inevitable since universities were given more of the responsibility they’d been shirking from the beginning. They have no idea what they’re doing or genuine idea of how they should be handling complaints.

The independent bookstore got millions of dollars in free publicity, which likely translated to more money despite what they’re implying.

Unfortunately, all of those benefits started growing faster than inflation, and we no longer had the advantage of a relatively unscathed country full of empty defense factories the government gave to businesses.

You’re either misinterpreting or misrepresenting the issue. It’s not whether moderators can fact check or not. It’s whether they should be expected to fact check.