
Serious question- we know white people make up 50% of police killings. How come we never get any footage of them? It’s crazy because there are so many videos nowadays overall. Even if white people aren’t as nervous and feel the need, you’d think they’d at least film the aftermath.

Why though? If there are bad police among the good, we want sunlight shone on them. We need to be consistent in condemning rioters among the protesters. Otherwise we’re being as biased as the All Lives Matter people.

Yeah, losing a parent is enough to mess you up for life. I can’t imagine what this did to that poor kid.

The press doesn’t help matters. It’s easy to find people who repeat rumors while claiming to be witnesses, and they run with it while the police are investigating. By the time we learn, for example, that Michael Brown actually did charge Darren Wilson, and that the witnesses on TV were either not really there or

Are they? Obviously, the fact that 25% of the people killed are black is too high, but there are still twice as many whites killed by police in terms of sheer numbers. There have been five or six shootings of white people in between Tulsa and Charlotte (perhaps more...some still haven’t had the names released).

Lol...ok. Guess what happens if you abolish the police? We’d get private security forces who make things much worse.

I disagree. I’d say it’s more that, when you have thousands protesting, there are going to be 2 or 3 percent who go specifically to vandalize and loot. They’re usually either teenage boys or criminals looking to break and enter for profit. It rarely has anything to do with the actual anger the protesters are feeling.

Ahhh...yep, that sounds like a utility company alright.

Are they outdated notions when half of them were tweets/instagrams created by young women?

You’d think people would’ve learned from Doug not to mess with Carrie or you’ll regret it.

He may have been the only person who got worse criticism than Clark. She got millions for a book deal. He had to go teach at a state university.

Oh, is it? I totally missed that. Thanks. I can see where you thought I was wrong...since I was!

Nah...if we reached all of those, HamNo would still be complaining about something else. Hey, he’s a white male who earns more than the median wage and worked a decade for a company that did everything it could to not pay taxes...while pushing for more taxes for the rich in its content. It’s schtick.

Then every company would simply move their headquarters somewhere else, like how Gawker used to be HQ’ed in the Carribean. Piece of cake.

Yes, Hamilton doesn’t realize he just called every Bernie voter who ripped Hillary in the primary but now support her a bad person.

Breaking even would be fine. You add another place for tourists to go at no cost.

You know what I meant. I obviously wasn’t suggesting that other games aren’t for women. They are for everybody, whereas this is aimed specifically at young girls and nobody else.

Nobody can ever say that Millenials don’t try really hard. They

The connection fee pays for that. You still have to pay that connection fee even if solar is 100% of your usage. There is no reason beyond losing business that utilities have pushed through those regulations.

Yeah, I know a few people who do that with solar. I don’t know any personally, but a lot of people installed solar farms out in the country as well, because Texas has no caps on the amount you can create (or had- it may have expired or something).