
I’ll say again what I said when you guys ran another article about this a couple days ago: the problem isn’t that Tlaib is criticizing Clinton. The problem is the pointless and divisive way she did it. If she wanted to offer up some actual reasons why Clinton was wrong and her comments out of line that would be one

It could change. But Bernie supporters were absolutely certain it would change in 2016 too, and it didn’t. I think that Bernie supporters may need to accept, like Donald Trump supporters should do, that the intensity of their feelings for their candidate don’t mean that most people like him.

I didn’t  mean to imply that you were and I don’t think I implied that.  Your willingness to acknowledge that some criticism of Sanders is valid indicates that you’re not among the wildest of his brood.  I was just pointing out the irony that this article talks about how women of color are supposeldy being told to

Yeah, cause Palestinian women can’t ever say something stupid or regretable. 

Clinton’s criticisms go directly to Sanders’ fitness for office.  She criticized his ability to form governing coalitions, his ability to actually move legislation, and his interest (or lack thereof) in building a strong party.  That’s all substantive and all, IMO, very valid.  The proper time for these things to be

A lot of people, and not just Bernie supporters, seem to think that he’s fundamentally different from other politicians: mainly that he’s in this for the “right reasons” and not to fuel his own ego or ambition.  Since they think he’s so pure, and so right, they take immense exception to even well founded criticism of

The base didn’t want Bernie Sanders in 2016. By numbers, so far, they want him less now (that may change as the field narrows). The base in 2016 wanted Hillary Clinton. The party gave the base what it wanted. There’s a number of reasons why Clinton didn’t win in 2016. But one reason that she didn’t is a relatively

The most popular candidate is Joe Biden.  Which is particularly ironic since this article is taking on “establishment” Democrats for wanting “women of color to fall in line”.  Joe Biden is perhaps the most establishment Democratic candidate out there and he’s also probably got the most support from women of color. 

She’s airing what she feels, and I’d agree with her, are legitimate criticisms of Bernie Sanders.  The best time to offer up that opinion is before we possibly choose Sanders as a nominee. Of course this is tinged with bitterness over 2016, where she feels, and I agree, that Sanders didn’t treat her right (it’s

The idea that Clinton doesn’t take responsibility for her failures in 2016 is complete bullshit.  But saying that she did things wrong doesn’t change that other factors contributed to her loss.  And ignoring those factors, and trying to pretend that they didn’t exist, is stupid.  Because Clinton, and all her faults,

There’s a whole industry out there of Hillary haters who can’t seem to live without her as a figure of scorn.  Many of them are on the right, where they continue to talk about Benghazi and her emails.  As Clinton herself commented “It’s like they don’t understand I lost the election.”  Then there are Hillary Haters on

The point still stands.  This is an incredibly lazy fucking take which basically amounts to “a woman of color caught shit for something she did so the critics must be racist.”  The person you’re responding to is right that some random internet nuts are going to say nutty things and that you seem to be selectively

Yeah it’s real racist to applaud a politician for saying something you like and criticize them for saying something you don’t?

Ironically, according to you, it’s Tlaib who is telling people to “fall in line” and support the candidate she likes over their own preferences. I can’t help but feel that many of the Sanders supporters are now using the same logic which they alleged Clinton’s people were doing four years ago: “it’s my turn”. Just as

Or, and maybe this is a crazy idea, maybe they’re criticizing this particular woman of color for the specific things she said?  Just like criticizing Hillary Clinton for things she says doesn’t mean you’re a misogynist, or critizing Trump doesn’t mean you hate white men, criticizing Rashida Tlaib for something she

Eat them, they’re delicious!

I’m glad that they’re including the real perpetrator.  I knew that Eastwood, whose work has become more right wing in recent years, wouldn’t focus on a white Christian terrorist for his story. But I’m worried about the idea that he’s played “with relish”. They shouldn’t be glamorizing this guy.

I assume that’s the same show.  Manhunt: Unabomber.  I kind of tuned out because they were hollywoodizing it too much and making it about the lone hero.

Obviously her criticisms are as she sees it. I think they’re mostly valid ones but whether they’re valid or not shouldn’t impact whether it’s proper to offer up criticism. And her critiques aren’t based mostly on him not supporting her. If anything his supposed lukewarm support for her is offered up as evidence of

Clinton’s criticisms go directly to Sanders’ qualifcation for office, as she sees it.  Things like the fact that he’s an ineffective legislator, a team player, and not as pure as his supporters would like people to believe are absolutely valid criticisms to make and this would be the time to make them: when we still