Malcolm Bricklorean

Montana. Scratching that off the list of places I’d like to. If the people vote for criminals I can only assume that they are fine with randomly assaulting tourists.

Trump is behind this. Fields refused to resume Lincoln Towncar production thus thwarting the Trump, Ivanka, Kushner, and Bannon Signature Series.

She is a gifted impressionist, but they don’t seem to let her do that much.

They’ll just behead some south-east Asian nannies for wearing pants. That will balance everything out.

Well he is kind of disabled. You know, in that other way.

But they’ll all go to hell, and that’s good.

My first thought as well. Better get a bucket.

Перестаньте злиться на нее. Она такая хорошенькая!

Waiting for cover by Leningrad Cowboys.

Some people will die...but I Ivanka is so pretty.

Basically Canadians don’t want to buy milk or milk products from the U.S. because it is likely poison and causes autism.

Big award for Donald to celebrate the tremendous accomplishments made during his first 100 days as President.

Matthew 21:17

Ding dong the prick is dead.

Specifically, a coal burning hyperloop only used for moving bulk coal...and takes ten thousand men to run it.

Black lung and no healthcare coverage. West Virginian Nirvana.

Hyperloop is cool, but coal jobs are cooler!

Her prettiness embiggens us all.
