Truex? What kind of God Damn name is that? Doesn’t sound American. #altnascar
Truex? What kind of God Damn name is that? Doesn’t sound American. #altnascar
Trump supporter: ‘If his first name is Preet, his middle name must be Hussein.’
Jacuzzi is the new Benghazi.
Hawaii. Truly the greatest of the Freak States. Fuck you Alaska.
What kind fabulous prison is going to hold these guys when all of this hits the fan? It makes me giddy thinking about it.
No way! Trump found the car and rescued it from Mexico. It is the main thing he has been working on.
Assuming a translator was required as most Russians don’t speak Hick.
Little things like this CAN make America great again. Thanks Germans.
These liberal youths need straightening out. Maybe some sort of club...where they all wear the same clothes...and attend rallies...where they learn to be grateful for their leader?
Mnuchin spelled backwards with poop added on is Nihcunmpoop.
Where did Bannon get that cheap suit?
Pudge Dredd.
This is boring. I was expecting Trump to nominate Sweet Daddy Siki, or maybe the old drummer from Cheap Trick for this position. Sad.
He reportedly tried to break, but that didn’t happen.
This is important. America needs to know if Donald purchased her outright or just leased her.
Trump would only like old-timey comedians who talk about how how annoying their wife is when you smack them.
These all look like excellent places to go take a dump in the lobby.