
you’re a load of shit :)

what is happening/has happened to TJ Miller’s face? he looks like this one time where i left a plastic tupperware on my stovetop

naturally this devolved into a dumb conversation about how dangerous and scary pitbulls are via the Genius Dog Trainer Brigade of Jezebel!!

omg give him to me

here’s my pit (right) being extremely terrifying by licking his (pretend) gf’s face at a local coffee shop patio

ugh, people who don’t like dogs suck

whenever i see you’ve commented or even starred a post of mine i think “LESLIE KNOPE DID THIS AND I LOVE IT”

anyone else hate the term girlboss and want it to die?

THANK YOU. my partner and I watched this show and were like “are we crazy or is everyone else crazy”

who married you!??? you weigh 73 pounds, allegedly.


omg why are we like this

my puppy, angus, was hit and killed by a car last Wednesday morning and even this movie poster is triggering at the moment.

ahh! i also ride (hunter/jumper, since i was 4). i clearly need to learn some things about this woman.

i will not rest until i know how known Central American Wood Turtle Mitch McConnell was elected to human office.

it’s exhausting. i work in the engineering/construction industry and am a little higher up and recently got promoted. i am in my late 20's and look young and am obviously a woman. most of my colleagues are white dudes in their late 30's/40's. EVERY FUCKING DAY is some version of this exact conversation, over and over

she looks amazing!!! so prepared for any and all puddles!!!


she looks *cool as hell*