finding remo21

Customization definitely isn't as prevalent as it is in Android. However, being able to change the accent color, background theme, and lockscreen is, IMO, just the right amount of freedom so that it's prominent and makes your device unique, but still subtle enough that it isn't overly complex. Plus, you can customize

WP7 definitely doesn't have the same level of customization available as Android. In terms of live tiles, you CANNOT really change the size - they're either single or double-wide (like the calendar). You CAN change the colors and background based on changing themes. For backgrounds, it's either light (white) or dark

Very true. Which is a shame because the latest Bold (with the touchscreen) is by far RIM's best yet. I'm not gonna lie, I have never been a Blackberry fan, but that was the very first Blackberry that I have ever actually considered.

Hey Giz! Glad to FINALLY see a respectable post about WP7! I will consider reading more regularly! Congrats, it's been a while.

I'm not quite ready to replace my wallet, but I am ready to replace my keys.

I have quite a bit of storage available on SkyDrive and I think it's about time to put it to good use. I'd like to use it to automatically back up all of my Pictures and Documents. Does anybody know of any good ways to do this?

Anyone know how to add a "Show/Hide Hidden Files" button to the Windows 7 Explorer command bar?

Does anyone know of a free, real-time, syncing application that can be used to back things up as soon as a file is added, removed, or modified???

No Zune Pass?

Are there any good ways to create a shared photo album so that when I go somewhere with friends and we all take our own pictures, we can still upload them all and view/download/edit them in the same place/album?

+1 for the reference to Donny Hoyle

The L5 remote does the same thing and, in my opinion, looks a little better since it connects through the dock connector rather than as a bulbous headphone jack accessory.

Seriously Gizmodo??? After all this time, all these great new features, a lot of which are legitimately new AND better than the competition (threads, contact history, local scout, etc.), and you STILL are incapable of complimenting Microsoft. The best you can offer is "pleasant", it's pretty great...

Are there specific apps that are missing from WP7, or are you just looking for some large, inflated, arbitrary number for justification?

Haha, you're right. I didn't even notice that.

Onenote is great for this because you can take notes for separate projects as well.

Speaking of memory anchors. One thing that I do lot of the time is listen to music whenever I read a book or series. It creates an association between those songs and those books and is really helpful for remembering those stories if you read a lot of books. So now, whenever I hear A*teens, I always think of Harry

VOTE: Google Calendar*

Great point. As a college student, this works great when it comes to exams and grades if you get off to a rough start at the beginning of the semester/quarter. Rather then beat yourself up over getting a B, C, D, F, or whatever you consider bad, just think, "Ok, well now I have to get XX% on the next test in order to

What kinds of gestures have you added? Obviously there are nearly infinite combinations, but it's always nice to get ideas from others and possibly add things to my workflow that I otherwise wouldn't have done on my own.