

I agree. It’s called mutual respect.

I don’t disagree with the sentiment; it’s why I voted for Obama in 2008 and voted for Bernie in my primary. However, I will be a good soldier in the general if it comes to that.

If you want to stick to the Man and waste your vote in California, Peace and Freedom is the way to go.

Hey now. There are many nice people in Kentucky (#notallhillbillies). Our problem is that we didn’t fucking vote in the last election (historically low turnout), so now we have a tea-bagger governor who decided Kim Davis shouldn’t have her widdle feelings hurt anymore. However, polling showed the majority of the state

Right? After an evening swim through their pile of gold coins.

LOL. Oh shit. Down to the fucking deck shoes. That’s a masterful photo.

I’ve done that to my wife before. Accidentally, of course. We aren’t, like, into burning vaginas or anything. Our romantic evening ended with her in the tub while I ran cold water over her nether regions for a very long time.

For the last 24 years that I’ve been a voter, I’ve been sick and fucking tired of the concern trolling by the right and mythical “center” over how building a more equitable economy is going to hurt the feelings of the plutocrats or make the board of directors cry.

IKEA does surgery now?

I voted for Bernie in my primary as a vote to move the party left, but I will easily vote for Hill if/when she becomes the nominee.

I’m living in Asia right now, and everyone asks me about the election, especially Trump (they want to know if he’s for real or a joke; I tell them both assumptions are correct).

Jesus. Those looks. Withering.

“Will? He’s probably busy powdering his bald spot so it doesn’t glare too mightily in the sun.”

I use the same analogy, but you’ve truly perfected it on a whole new level, and so I’m going to shamelessly steal it for future use.


I don’t think it’s unfair advice that women and men stay on the defensive. Truthfully, we should all be aware of what’s going on and be able to defend ourselves, however you might define that. Just because I have the green light to cross the road and the right to be in the street doesn’t mean I shouldn’t look both

Supposedly she backtracked on reproductive rights being okay with regulating “late 3rd trimester” abortions, so Bernie is now a better feminist.

I’ll put $20 on Not Fucking Likely Anytime Soon.