
I’m with you. I haven’t had a real crush since I met my wife, but there are a few women in my life who I definitely find attractive on many levels. I’m not sure I’d count that as a crush, though. It isn’t like I obsess about them or think about them, more like, “Fuck, Person A is lookin’ good today,” then I just let

Maybe. When the rubber hits the road I would probably take Trump over Cruz, but that’s like saying I’d rather be shot than hanged.

Exactly. She’s pop-culture famous, but designers want her Twitter followers.

She’s as boring as a box of rocks. Dead eyes. No expression. I really don’t get the fascination with her.

Fuck yes. So gonna do this.

Why celebrate losing? Move on.

We’ve all grown.

Thanks, dude bro. I didn’t know what pandering was until you told me!

For my own part, I think sincerely held but untenable positions make pandering much easier. Look at Sanders telling college kids he’s only going to jack my taxes south of 10% and still deliver free tuition. There’s nothing to indicate he doesn’t

Well, we’ll have to part company on that one. I think he’s a true believer, and as a fundamentalist, he is by definition (mine) delusional.

He’s delusional. And he also doesn’t understand the meaning of words that are coming out of his pie hole.

Jesus Christ. I’m glad I’m in Asia right now so I’m not eating breakfast while I read your comment. Time zones for the win!

My night job seems to be scooping cat litter. My official position is called 鏟屎官.

Trump would take out his yuuuuuge gold-plated gun and shoot those motherfuckers dead.

Yep. And guns. Don’t forget the guns.

I tend to agree. A true narcissist without a solid political ideology could be both good and bad for everyone, left and right. Didn’t he say something about universal health care after South Carolina? So who the fuck knows what he would do. He could be a Manchurian Candidate for the left, or surround himself with hard

Just to echo what other people said on here, I don’t think so. BUT, Laura Kirkpatrick from the short girl season (runner up) has been involved in a lot of stuff in Kentucky (where I now live, unfortunately), from working for different charities to doing fashion-related work. To her credit, she seems like a very cool


It just came around again. The 90's are so hot right now.

If you remember the 90's, I think you’ll agree that what Obama has been through, particularly at Clinton’s hands, was pretty mild compared to what both Bill and Hillary endured in the 90's. In the 90's on Sunday teevee, pundits actually debated the possibility that the Clintons had actually murdered Vince Foster. No

I don’t know how people can possibly raise children. The logistics are mind boggling.