
Ugh. I hate having my life changed by some pumped up idiot. How about this: you teach your fucking class and keep your mouth shut, and I’ll work hard and sweat, and let’s leave the life changing to other contexts...

Gotta agree. Being killed by a stranger is the least likely scenario, but that seems to be what everyone (both gun owners and gun control advocates) are most worried about.

The figure I’ve heard is that, on average, about 40% of teens are sexually active. I think the figure for Kentucky is sightly higher.

Actually, having a kid by 25 is pretty normal in Kentucky, as I’ve discovered since moving here.

Wasn’t the whole point of the trip to use the opportunity to discuss climate change? That’s pretty much all they talked about. Also, that salmon looked so fucking good, I would have eaten that shit no problem, bear drool and all.


Not exactly. The gender paygap in China is quite large (women make 40% less than men, the highest in East Asia, and the gap is growing), and rates of domestic violence are extremely high.

They all have the same dead eyes, just like Gigi does in every single picture she takes.

I agree. My sister was in a similar boat, though more with fantasy than scifi. Boys of my generation definitely didn’t create a space that was particularly inclusive (though, I would argue, we probably would have welcomed it, at least the gamers and nerds I knew, even though we wouldn’t have possessed the maturity or

Would agree. And I’m glad things have changed, but JJ and I are getting old, and our experience of it is a bit different than that of young women and men over the last 20 years. We’re products of and participated in a kind of sexist scifi world that we didn’t have the education or wisdom to understand until much

I can’t agree with that at all. I went to dozens of gaming conventions in the mid-to-late 80’s (in California) and I could probably count on one hand the number of young women present at any one of them. Trust me, my middle- and high-school aged self certainly noticed if/when young female gamers were in the room. But

Even more unpopular opinion time: I think he’s right. Everyone’s into Star Wars, Doctor Who, and other scifi nowadays, but from my own experience growing up (I’m 43), movies, conventions, and other fan venues were, with a few exceptions, overwhelmingly male, and the gaming world was even more so.

Ah, faux civility from a condescending douche.

Really? A professional actor for a few decades? Well, I never would have known. Thanks for your help!!!

Gah! Christ...

I can’t imagine that playing Kilgrave didn’t fuck with Tennant’s head a little bit. It seems like a seriously fucked up space to inhabit, and he does it so well.

We should take yoga back to its roots by requiring its practice, teaching, and propogation to be dominated by men of a certain class/caste.

As a professor, I’m proud of these kids. They cared, they organized, and they acted. And I’m especially proud of the student athletes, who turned the tables on a system that more commonly exploits them.

I realize I’m days late to this party but... Totally agree with you on bicycles. I moved from a very bike friendly town to a southern city with residents who hate bicycles, and bicyclists who don’t know the basics of safe riding. The result is a lot of antagonism on the road. Everyone (literally, everyone) I know in

I’ve got about 10-12... I think. I do laundry most weekends so I never really have to count.