
Even worse, he’s a Comm major at Kentucky. It’s widely recognized as the softest major on campus.


Rand Paul doesn’t stand for anything. He’s an opportunistic shitbag who shifts position constantly to get elected.

Not exactly. Animal cruelty laws are a thing now in Mexico city and other areas. Kill someone else’s animal or abuse your won in an urban area and you risk criminal penalty (i.e., time in jail), not just being charged for a property crime. And you’re right: ranches and farms are a little different, as are other

No argument there. The dude wins games. Enrollment goes up. It's an investment on the part of UK and UK athletics.

Albert, I liked your first article, and I thought McCarthy’s reply was interesting.

This is my Facebook profile photo during CBB season...

Also, the school would can him. Freshman enrollments have exploded since Cal came here. I think rocking the boat would undo some of that and cause bad publicity for the school as his direct report (i.e., his employer). He wouldn’t have a job for very long if it became a “distraction.”

Not to start a fight, but I think the point is that Cal is, indeed, the highest paid state employee in Kentucky (as elite coaches of NCAA teams are in most states in which they live). He’s “only” making $6.5 million this year, but that increases to $8 mil. over the next three years as part of his $52 million dollar

It's against my religion to let you use the bathroom in my place of business...

"A police officer or firefighter might put himself in harm's way, but getting shot or burned isn't part of the job; it's a thing that might happen if the job goes wrong. Ramming yourself into other people at speeds comparable to those seen in car accidents is football. Even Mike Florio is not enough of an imbecile

It's the weed talking.

These look like excellent fucking nachos.

I'm still buying Powerball tickets, so we're even.

Ah, gotcha. No clue. I imagine the only reason they're relevant here is because of the nature of the suit, as you said, and the additional wrinkle of the university employee, which can't be overlooked. My guess is the narrative of the university will be, "Prove we did something wrong or inadequate based on the health

Maybe the difference is that the accusation is being made based on a statement by an employee. In this case, the student's medical records are also the records of the care she received by the employee. I would imagine the case would be the same for a hospital. Regardless, the University's defense seems like it will be

I'm not sure I understand your confusion. How is it not relevant? From what I understand, the plaintiff is saying she received inadequate care from the institution, and the woman's counselor says she was asked to do something unethical. The university's only defense, unless there's a smoking gun or paper trail leading

I'll bring the popcorn.

You should try it and let me know how it goes. You clearly need an education in feminism if you're going to deny subjectivity and agency to a whole population of people.

Sure, I can see that. All problems are important. But on a university budget, with finite resources to throw at things, what impacts the lives of students the most? I haven't seen any data anywhere on any of these threads to support the notion that this is somehow endemic and Must Be Stopped Now because lives are