Unsportsmanlike conduct...
Unsportsmanlike conduct...
All the fucking stars...
Ugh. The whole evaluation process is fucked up, anyway. You barely make it to class and can't write a coherent sentence, but please, do go on about what aspects of the class you thought could be improved for your "style of learning." I'll be over here, not giving a shit. (Actually, I get extremely good evals, in the…
Nothing personal. It was just a lucky guess. :)
Your profound lack of money/fame/power?
I think Dave Grohl would pick Kurt Cobain over Dave Grohl, so you guys are on the same page.
I haven't read the book, but I just saw the movie last night and liked it. Less action than the second, but because I enjoy political intrigue it didn't feel slow to me.
For shame! Taylor has all the talent autotune can offer!
Good job. Way to prove everyone's point. Are you going to piss and moan about where you live because the people who lived there before you didn't leave it in perfect condition for you? No. You roll up your sleeves and fix it. This is a long game. You vote for people who are more like what you want and, if you're…
If you are your boss's taxi service, it sounds like you need a new gig. But in any case, try an absentee ballot, as others have suggested.
But absentee voting is available in every state, though in certain states you need to have an "excuse," whatever that may be. Fill out the forms! Send in your excuse and see what happens. Better to try, at least...
But they are counted. I just checked out the Illinois State Board of Elections and they're pretty adamant that they are counted.
Is your choice between taking an entire day off or working the entire day?
Word. Running as a Republican-lite candidate never works. Fucking tired of cowardly Dems running to the right.
In general, I agree with you, and I really liked the vote-by-mail system in Oregon when I lived there. But, in practical terms, I really hate the idea that voting in America is somehow "difficult" because it happens on a Tuesday. My sense is that anyone who can't get their shit together to leave the house an hour…
Although I am probably in the "never bring your baby to the bar" camp, if forced to choose, I prefer babies at the bar to young children at the bar. NEVER bring your 8 year old to the bar, or, at least, don't bring your 8 year old to the bar and then act offended because someone at the table next door decided to tell…
Yeah, but how fucking beautiful is that kid going to be?
It's definitely the case. On 60 Minutes, colleagues of those nurses admitted that they had never been trained with PPE, which made me sick. The first time you're putting this stuff on should not be when a sick patient comes to your ER. I feel bad for those two but glad they recovered.
Right? Otherwise, unless I'm on fire or wandering into traffic, leave me the fuck alone.