If done correctly, couldn't a "Virtual Console" Virtual Boy actually be a really good idea?
If done correctly, couldn't a "Virtual Console" Virtual Boy actually be a really good idea?
@Fatehehhhh: Yessssssssss. I'd promote you if you weren't already. Beaten to it....
And then I thought about The Baby...
@jinxman: Entire month? That's horrible. *hugs*
I could use a cuddle party. I had a horrible day today. ._.
Tragic... Truly tragic. Could even Dukakis come up with a pun for this?
"while two major British retailers are reportedly considering a ban on games that include Steam integration"
@The Sentient Meat: I always liked Zero best.
@Manly McBeeferton: Eeeeexactly. I like my big women, but that? Ehhhh....
It's not just a saying, it's Rule 34 of the Internet.
@FrankieViturello: Bread makes you FAT?
@VagEnthusiast Now dual wielding crotch rockets!!: Does anyone, ever?
@Shinhideaki: Let me know if you come up with a better formula. That one'd work if it didn't oversimplify and have that huge flaw about making everyone gay for everyone. :P
@khaosklub: I would, but... I never did get a PS2. And I refuse to get one this late. I won't get a PS3 either until they bring back BC. I know the hardware-based thing wasn't so great, but homebrew shows it is possible to do PS2 emulation on a normal PS3. The only reason Sony doesn't allow it is they want you to…
@Shinhideaki: But then by that formula, anyone male = Guy and therefore, everyone's gay for anyone.
@Azukira: I've seen all 6 movies, and even prefer the older trilogy, I just forgot about that one scene.
@dantemustdie: There were that many games in the X series? Wow.
@Kyuu: ....Ah.
@GGear0323: I know, right?
@Ice_man: She dropped a Bridget on all of these poor guys.