@FabAndroid: Mainly, the sword and shield are different. If there are any other differences, I didn't see them either.
@FabAndroid: Mainly, the sword and shield are different. If there are any other differences, I didn't see them either.
@crusifer: Have you SEEN what a Blendtec blender can do? I wouldn't underestimate it.
Did I just miss the Kingdom Hearts 3DS footage, or was it not there?
@Erwin: Emulators are programs for the computer to play ROMs. Flash cards plug into a console or system itself and use its hardware.
@Zhris: Bad is a matter of opinion. Legality is another matter entirely.
Is 42.... Professor Layton?
@Jeff Brown: I've had that with MotionPlus, but I've never had to calibrate a regular, nonMotionPlus game...
So, the controller is $50 by itself, and the camera is also $50?
@elSpanielo: A british gentleman and his assistant solving puzzles in order to unravel a large, "Huh, wha?" mystery! And make the assistant a young kid so they have a player-avatar in said kid!
@relic1980: Yet if I'm not mistaken the age of consent is 14...
@yereviltwin2: I could see Ventus MAYBE, but Terra's not so androgynous.
@d3v: The PS3 price drop didn't happen for some time after the BC was removed, if I recall. And regardless, I don't care that PS3s don't do PS2 now. What I care about is that it used to, and they removed it, charging (for a time) the same price for a product inferior to the one they previously sold for no other reason…
@Darkrikku: I know this, but don't you think the people at Sony KNEW how much money before they even started production they would be losing on each PS3 sold at launch? So in that case, wouldn't it have been smarter for them to have simply omitted the PS2 chip from the get-go, if it were going to cause such a decline…
@RedCarmine: It isn't?
@Foxhack: I can tell you why not to buy a PS2 Slim. Because Sony quit backwards-compatibility for PS2 games on PS3 for no other reason than to keep PS2 consoles selling.
@kittenboo: I saw your comment and had to do the same. In my Word, I got 33. After removing the videos, however, the page number drops to 26. (Really, closer to 25 1/2)
Copy-pasted mountains, but you can't resist the view !
@soldier148: if only it was... i think the clipboard was a bit buggy during the process...
@skaven: *slowly gazes up as a light shines down upon me, and the Hallelujah chorus plays*
@Dennen: And note he took the slice exactly as he said he was putting Move to the "test."