
Right on. I’m a Liberal, but the anti-science faction on the Left is absurd. Everything we eat has been genetically modified for millennia. Vaccines have prevented so much death and suffering. Still, the ratio of idiocy is pretty lopsided.

You, are truly an idiot.

I think an AI kill switch is a nice idea. But what’s to stop AI from building non-killable AI bots and what if it’s embedded in the web and the cloud? The first line of defense should be teaching them all the best peaceful philosophies. The “best” defense is that higher intelligence makes one less prone to stupid

But with the blast-shield down, how can I see the pinata, let alone fight?

When it comes to ugly breeds, you can’t beat the Trump Terrier, with it’s tiny paws, thin skin, cotton-candy hair and micro-penis for the males. Their pride in being devoid of substance and pigment is quite extraordinary, and yet they remain fairly popular with idiots.

Like Martha Stewart.

Like Martha Stewart.

No, not chow chows. Chihuahuas. Silly Americans with your ideas... (he said you’d never guess)

“very amazing”, not “much amazing”. “Interesting History”, not “Very History”. When you’re learning another language, gentle correction can be quite kind. Ask George W. Bush.

It’s not that “we were wrong”, it’s that “we didn’t know what we didn’t know”. Dogs are still basically wolves.

“art” is anything whose only purpose is to make you think. That includes “technical brilliance”.

Batman Vs. Superman was not “too dark”. The story wasn’t great. Writing, Directing and Editing: That’s where the story is ultimately made from least to most important. Writing is the hardest work, but a great Director will go off script and a great Editor will make a movie nobody intended (see Mad Max)

Once again you’re missing the point. You’re confusing style with story. Stanley Kubrick had a great style, but that was never the point. Just like with the article about movie “tone”, that’s a device that lets you see the director’s finger-print, but it’s not what’s ultimately important. The Story. The Story is what

If you’re criticising Musk, where’s your improved product? Where’s your change to Humanity? The world doesn’t need any more little Piranhas.

I’m seeing so much jealousy. Not a lot of competition though.

Not everything you don’t agree with is a lie. Maybe you’re just an idiot.

I believe that “free-will” is protected by the most amazing encryption system ever devised.

everything is math. Life is a Rubik’s cube mixed with a Wonkavator, scrambled with quantum encryption. That’s why we have free-will, and are not “written in stone”. The Law of Attraction is real. What you want matters.

You know who doesn’t lie? I don’t.

He’s just getting started though.