Mak attack

One thing that gets me if allotting a huge portion of their ‘craft’ taps to borderline macro craft beers. They might be good beers, but I don’t get too excited for Fat Tire, Sam Adams Seasonal and Sierra Nevada getting half of your tap space.

i hate what amazon has done to whole foods

His lack of spatial awareness, to make no mention of his lack of manners, class, or grace, is mindblowing.

It’s an inspection, not a stroll you idiot. Even the queen didn’t know what to do with him. My god he is a global fucking embarrassment every.single.time.

I wish she had refused to meet with him -- a cold can come on quite suddenly. She will regret appearing in photographs with such a person. History will not be kind. (Wish we were there already.)

Ummm, Y’all do know that Forbes magazine allows people to “Self Report” their net worth?

I despise every person who works with this scam artist.

DQ sells frozen lies, there I said it.

I’d let the sticker stay... for a rather sizable advertising fee.

I’ll buy it but they’ll have to take that dealer sticker off the back or no sale

This cars biggest issue is that it is a Buick. Not ready for that stage in my life yet.

It needs to lose the large front and back fake bumper grills with fake parking sensors. It looks like the Honda design committee designed it for a 12 year old that has no money. Why does it need that much fakery to sell?

Ok but why is it so damn ugly?

This might be the coolest Volvo I’ve ever seen. Shame about that ~$800 per month price tag. Am I the only person that struggles to pay $400 per month on a car payment?

I will gladly ‘show respect for “the office”’ soon as the man occupying it shows the office the same respect!

You don’t resell Fiats. You just throw them away.

I think this is an awesome untapped market.

Exactly. I thought one of the selling points of an electric or hybridized vehicle is that they didn’t make those sounds.

No thanks, I’ll just drive.

Um, what about the dudes constructing the entire situation?