After you said “vertigo” I started laughing and realize you were a troll. Good stuff man. Dismissed from here on out.
After you said “vertigo” I started laughing and realize you were a troll. Good stuff man. Dismissed from here on out.
Here’s your quote that I love:
This is how words lose all meaning.
Yes, part of the Republican frontrunner’s staff moves past a reporter by briefly holding her arm to get to his boss’ side. Normal behavior at any large political event.
Because it was a clear hoax perpetuated by the media and it shows everything that is wrong with journalism today.
If you watched this video without context, you would have no idea what you were watching. There’s a reason no one reacts to this and its because NOTHING HAPPENED. Calling this assault or battery or an attack or whatever just cheapens those words for people who are actually the victims of said things.
Good God. This is what the insanity of tripling and quadrupling down looks like.
How anyone can watch that video and claim that Michelle Fields is not a liar is beyond me. She claimed she was NEARLY THROWN TO THE GROUND. If you consider this assault, then you believe that in every large crowd in the country, assaults are being committed by the dozen.
This is without question the clearest video of the incident.
In what world would you watch this and consider anything close to someone being attacked, manhandled, assaulted, thrown to the ground, etc. happened?
Why is it that everything thinks the best course of action is for a news organization to double and triple down on a story with no conclusive proof?
Why are people defending her? She lied.
She lied. She said she was nearly thrown to the ground. Ben Terris also said this. Of course Lewandowski says he didnt touch her because no one would remember such a thing as the above ever happening because its so insignificant.