
The best part is these children think they are “Journalists”.

Ahahahahaah you all are the worst fucking people. Not in the world, of course, but certainly of all the websites I frequent. Absolutely shameless.

“This Thursday, folks across the country will indulge in one of America’s most enduring and self-satisfying traditions: the injuring of Native American people and the destruction of land for financial gain.”

“Your White, Liberal Thanksgiving Better Come with a Hearty Donation to the Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters”

Sorry, I have limited funds to donate, and I chose to donate to a local community shelter that will directly help those in my community.

Very skeptical that as many as 25% of bus company employees are “in it” for the simple joy of transporting children to school.

Is this an unfunny joke?

Start with Bill Maher who thinks that the reason that we lost the election is because liberals are too politically correct. Note that white straight men are never subjected to hate speech, so how the hell should he know about the shit that the rest of us go through?

In my experience with this site, when you say “troll” you mean anyone who has a opinion on this that is different from your own. Even if they are being civil, respectful and calm. People lie from time to time, for various reasons. Men can lie, women can lie, Christians can lie and Muslims can lie too. There are many

You forgot “gluten free”, “man-splaining”, and “woke”, preventing you the buzzword bingo.

Right. There couldn’t possibly be multiple reasons people voted for Trump. Trump voters aren’t individuals, they’re all just like this KKK fellow.

By god, you’re so right, a handful of Klan members celebrating in the south totally proves 60 million people across the whole country didn’t really care about economics at all.

Oh go fuck yourself. Stein was a nonentity. Exponentially more Republican votes were siphoned away for Johnson. Clinton was gifted a rightwing spoiler and her trainwreck of a campaign STILL couldn’t capitalize on the advantage.

See, this is my problem with ourselves on the left. Instead of wondering what could have been done, what should have been done differently, we are going to bray at the stupidity of the voters and pretend we are wearing clothes.

If people did that - then fuck THOSE people. Fivethirtyeight actually had Trump as less of an underdog than most polls.

Don’t run a neocon disguised as a democrat and this shit wouldn’t happen.

With respect, it’s telling people to go fuck themselves and they are clueless is partly want got us here.

The current result of the election is due to rhetoric like this, and half the country telling the other half what they can go do, much like you have.

I mean, you didn’t think that though. Did you?