
This is why people don’t take your arguments seriously. You discredit yourself by using sex as a bargaining chip or like it’s just this goal everyone strives to achieve; sex with a woman. It’s sad that you can’t rely on facts and evidence (of which there is PLENTY in your favor) but no, since you have no conviction or

You tried really hard to be funny, unfortunately you did not succeed. Keep posting though , you’ll get one eventually

Yes, truly this one anecdotal story should provide enough evidence for all 7 billion people on earth. Or maybe....Dare I say it...Different strokes for different folks? Either way, just because you believe something critical for your relationships doesn’t mean you should broadly address all “people” and instruct them

Holy shit, get a grip. It’s like every step is the first step off the cliff with some of you

It’s not your type they’re struggling to attract

Lol ok Tom

Stick 2 sports

U tried

Where was all this self-righteousness and indignation when Gawker was posting Hogan’s sex tape? Or is it because he’s not a pretty white woman? Jezebel - “It matters when we say it matters”

And yet there wasn’t this outrage when gawker did the same thing with Hulk Hogan. Hmmmmmmm makes you wonder

“everybody pay attention to me”

This is a white man’s fault somehow

This list is so wrong it hurts. Sweet Dee is dating a retarded person is top 5. Introduces dayman

“Randy’s never worked with a bride like Lady O”

They’re all doping, including us

Deadspin comments are supposed to be funny

Ahahahahaah get a fucking grip

This article reads like it was written by a sophomore English major

Oooooooo you’re trying SO hard and I commend you for that but you’re not there just yet

You’re trying way too hard