
You tried.

One in the same. It’s like when people says “intensive purposes”

Too quote from another comment on this article

I’m a panthers fan and like Cam but come on man. You can’t see why people don’t like him? Carolina is not a national team and people just see highlights of him showboating and celebrating every first down he makes cut between commercials of him plugging Beats headphones (too bad dey don’t make bandaids fa ‘hurt

Bruce Traub actually. You can search him on Facebook and he will accept your friend request. Nice guy.

Hell just got a bit classier

I thought the same thing when this story broke but was almost going to begin questioning myself when I didn’t see any kind of acknowledgement by deadspin of the same thing. Thank goodness somebody else said something

Clicking the link to the article from four years ago I see that it was the US vs. Spain match. Confused me for a bit. What are the odds

:/ early screening saves lives

You may want to edit your post from “in intelligent” to “an intelligent".

Let this be a reminder that women can fail just as equally as men