
alright alright out of all the comments her how many are females that give a shit. SPEAK UP. we need meterital to make another notion on because PEOPEL LIKE ME WHO DONT TAKE SHIT AT FIRST LOOK ALWAYS GET SHAFTED BY THE MAJORITY WHO ARE FUKING NUMBSKULL YES MAN THERE WAS OBAMAS ELECTION NOW “FEMALE COMMEDIANS” WHO USE

why cant guys sepreate that notions that their a dickhead cause theyll allow a female to take their jokes, the way they do things, like were all fucking married to them then throw it in our face WHILE YOU NON ALPHAS BEND THE FUCK OVER GETTING CUCKCOLDED trygint o tell us OTHERWISE WHY RETARDS dont choose to see or

no people who care about what goes into the show dont call it insidious that would make the nature of telling dan harmon to get fucked in the butt by his dildo he hides in his closet. #youdontmakefuckeupcommedywithoutfuckedupcommedianscomingotdefendityoustupidworthlesssmellyshamelessbody

you know a whole lot of kids watch this show and its a whole lot of growndults that try to explain the underlying message or what theyre tryign to say but america dosnt give a shit. make me fucking laugh #ORGOFUCKYOYOURSELF

mean i thought this show felt different this time around they’ve been wroiting more sketch than anythign this season it didtn seem original as the other two season funny but yeah. Im not on board for any kind of niche hiring you either are or you arnt dont use sex race or what ever to make your shit seem orginal.

its not irrational that people are getting mad the same jokes that were rorginally being told by males are just being replaced by females who say the same shit #DANHARMANGOFUCKYOURSLEF #HEDONTEVENKNOWHISAUDIANCE

you know if you love gay people so much to try to say my joke was bad or to make it seem misunderstood to peeple means your gay or in the closet, most likey in the closet, and that defendeing their honor is really defending yours. this is not joke dont try to structure it. do thayt shit is probly how you ended up in

also another take on racism is when oh yeah cause you females dont apparently see racism as we males do what part of this statement sounds racist.

okay I just thought of another thing good about this and how blizzard should go with it casue she mentioned, i dont play this game btw but it is still a major problem, that there is already an asian charecter in the game i bet shes chinese or japanese and that thai or having any other asain ethic group up there would

man i would have beat that car to death so that crooked ass dealer who fucked up then tried to make up for it by pawning it off on charity could go suck a dick along with his wife. #hashtag.

Again sexism before racism in an industry. like do women have a completely different veiw of racism cause all those racist males want to fuck so they cant tell that their racist or somthing WTF WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT WOMEN ONLY RIGHT NOW RACE WARS ARE POPPING OFF AND YOU WANT TO CARE AND TAKE FOCUS TO FEMISIM GO

this just might be the year of errbody dressing ironically like that border patrol outfit now we know where you stand. ha ha ha ha

just read the title and saw the picture reminded me of the devil in the scene from that movie with al pachino and keanu reeves the devils advocate with that moving wall in the background. i didnt even have a gay joke come to mind i instantly thought of that seeing the banner on entry so i guess heres a joke. so you

fuck wahat program art school etc is she in to even get recognized i the community i think thats the bigger picture she chose the right shool ha ha

you know alot of tech geeks are going oh my gawd thats why i dont get an apple waht a pieice of shit while the real picture here is they targeted people with money hence apple iphone and popele have been complaing about their safety and will try to make it all about that but the truth is they ddint target android

man everytime racist white people want to brag about being great i just remind them they didnt win every conflict i mean everytime they started shit. (caugh vietnam) you lost to a bunch of asain people so why white people keep posting WW2 stuff up around here is beyond me its like going ovet your entire timeline and

two things here... it sounds like if you call the police you’d probly get the guy who sent you that letter on the line, and the other they got no brains thinking that they can say chink and it isnt a hate crime prety much sums up their mindset.

hmmm there are so many angles to take here. the father is the young boy at an early age isnt he. 2 if threats arnt anything to anyone only when its time to prove a point then the father is dumb and shoulda left that alone. 3 the daughter is just as stupid if not worse as what she was shown is not to go to the

i want my cat to live to 32