
so uh you guys didnt know this was happening in the computer information analysis youd be surprise what each analysis will tell you about people all the tracking they allow of themselves the computers algorythym is profiling everyone before they know it all we gotta do is find who plugging in the score for each. what

hes a legitamite troll i tell you that they repsonded with some hatefull shit and they did back they cant help that he won so they as sore looseres called the cops on him. i see this all the time when it comes to trolling it s a shame. and then poeple of these origins hop on that pogo stick for pragandic reasons lets

A statue depicting the Italian explorer, who has been credited in this country with “discovering” America even though 1) Native Americans had already lived here for millennia and 2) he never actually landed on U.S. soil, was spray-painted with the words “Hate will not be tolerated” and “#Somethingscoming.” Columbus’

but also how china has automated thier manufacturing sector to where they can pull that machine up and put it back down based on the economy is that how these will work with the economy or these just going to suck up that market and put it into a persons pocket casue if you end up replacing a whole grocery store you

according to Fast Company, make corner stores—that is, actual bodegas—“a thing of the past” by putting app-accessible boxes full of nonperishables in the lobbies of apartment buildings, dorms, and gyms.

and these charges are free to the public this is going green to the pubic charging their cars by plugging it into a wall they did an article recently about how charging your car by pluggin it in coal use to charge vs gas use and it wasnt that far behind all they have to do is the math about as to how much coal is used

the champ stepped down becasue prbly he got tired of turning aorund after a virtory and seeing nuthing but dude virgins and realised he wasnt gettign any positive attention from any females.

in a sence the devs trying to pull a power card on youtubers cause of thier contemt bring displyed during this time is downright stupid how are the two assosted to eachother and how is it that this is how you want to censor people you dont like within the community, congratulations haters i dont really care what the

maybe the game is broken. play battlefield 1 then play this. thats how a FPS is supposed to operate. what the fuck is this crap. you mean you cant build a proper looking system that smoothly operates

oh i face hate in my life asamomalaka oh someone make a funny ass joke about me imma tell my people oh the people making fun of me wont change the waya nd tone they do it in it must fit my racist profiling so they no matter what must be wrong. your so full of fucking shit i cant wait till all you get exposed for this

what happend was the documentury witht that other black guy metting the KKK wasnt enough. smells like i wanna make a profit off this kind of stuff. they may fool everyone else because lets face it black people the ones who say black all the time will lie to your face friend you on facebook before their tell/show you

man how come eeryone is avoiding the issue with the controls their clunky as hell slow to react it feels like your controllers a puppeteers control NOW how is everyone missing that and allowing the game ot get a good rating oh let me guess THE graphics are so great they suck balls the whole game is crap to say that

soehtig tells me they his haters would rather himbe humiliuated and while the public thinks it becasue of their doing its really that of a higher power and no theres no presence of god here. people are stupid beyond beleif and that if anyone kept puttin up 100 percent credibility information all the time why wouldnt

then you can also thank all those people in publishing for never saying shit about those microtransations before all of you playing the game well this is what happens when you play the game they push this shit out onto all of us cause you want you shitty fucking job so much fro wrters integrity it must be a made up

for reals companies keep adding micro transactions into the game thus forcing the best part of it to be sold seperately is fucking bullshit. Why do these developers care so much about making money over making a good game. you act like wht you put out is worth doing that too but the tiles are glitchey graphics are crap