
The thing about Norway, and Scandinavian prisons in general (aswell as many other prison systems around the world) are built to rehabilitate the criminals instead of punishing them like in the US. Sure you're being locked up at night and all that, but apart from the bars in the windows and your duties it's a cheap

I know people who've been there. They host this two times a year (starting from last year), Dreamhack Summer and Dreamhack Winter. It's been around for a couple of years at least.

If you look at the site it feels like a pretty solid expo.


Yeah, I remember those, though if someone would have asked I would probably have answered that they probably closed down a couple of years ago.

..and this is touching the reason to why I think war between western civilizations today would be a lot harder than it was 70-75 years ago when Germany though it was a great idea to get

Yes I could, but in some games it's more obvious than in others.

It's a great starting point for a new awesome mod at least.

Honestly, Skyrim isn't that good looking.

Ah Skyrim.

I can't be the only one who gets really mad over those damn mortars?

Also there's glare from the optics, so all the bright lights coming from snipers aren't from tactical lights, basically no recons I've met have used tactical light since it's only useful in close quarters, and snipers by defenition doesn't like too short distances between himself and his target.

Dragons are too easy to kill in this game.

It's a figure of speech, sort of.

The thing with Skyrim is that it is Ok to rape and murder as long as you kill every witness.

You'll get 4 maps. Gulf of Oman, Strike at Karkand, Wake Island & Sharqui Peninsula.

I am sorry but here I was hoping some hardcore fan had built a full-scale Millenium Falcon which he now had built a matching "hangar" (garage) to aswell.

Please just give me a date, and please hurry up and fix the huge performance issues in Battlefield 3. I have a Phenom II 965 @4.02Ghz and a 1GB GTX460. I have such huge in multiplayer framedrops it's really no point in playing. :(

Wasn't there an article here the other day about this?

Then there are those prefab water coolers which is actually pretty cheap and works really well.