
Not the first time some has regretted their FUCKS the morning after.

Somewhat germaine to the article:

I try not to be judgmental about it, as I’m part of a generation that grew up with computers, whereas there are plenty of people out there who just never got the training.

I was out buying a car yesterday morning, and the salesman I was dealing with at the dealership was an older gentleman, and let me tell you, the most painful part of the sales process was watching him operate a computer.

I agree that they look nice but unfortunately almost everyone who bought one immediately scraped it against a bollard or some other heinous cosmetic crime. I haven’t seen one looking like it’s been cared for maybe...ever.

I agree. We picked up an Outback recently and every time we go out with our 1 kid the trunk is full.

Cargo area is not what young families need

I sat in the back seat behind an adult. Neither of us were properly comfortable, but two people shorter than us would be fine.

“Some 42% of Ford Focus and Chevy Cruze compact car owners have stayed in the compact car segment with a significant percentage buying competitors’ vehicles”

I see at least one person texting and driving every time I leave. But what really gets me is the people driving brand new Benzes, Lexii etc, doing the Kardashian “yell into the bottom of the speakerphone” move behind the wheel. THERE’S NO WAY YOUR BRAND NEW CAR DOESN’T HAVE BLUETOOTH. LEARN TO USE IT YOU USELESS

I’d like to know how those numbers compare with simply going outside on a daily basis. I’d wager a guess that you’re still far safer calling for an Uber after dark than walking home alone.

I’m going to tell myself “ok boomer” on this one. I’m 35 and this made me understand I’m already waaaay outside the loop.

Life in Aggro hit it clean out of the park this time. The connection between a max-level, epic NPC sending a new player character off to do something they could do quickly and with little risk and the fact that much of the older generation is currently telling younger folk to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”

Seriously, how could anything compare?!

I was baffled that the whole list wasn't just monster hunter world gifs. I was astounded that it didn't even make the cut. 

How did you manage to miss Monster Hunter: World?! Those cats prepare a whole feast for you on a daily basis! Ungrateful.

Sounds like an Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.

I now find myself pining for a Disney Infinity where my team consists of Messi, John Wick, AND Godzilla. Try to stop them; it can’t be done.

My WRX averaged 25-ish MPG. However, extensively using the turbo could pull that down to the low teens... (Endorphins were way up tho’) With it’s paltry 16 gal. fuel load, a max 250 mi. range. Less than some modern battery-electrics!