
Why not both?

I’d watch a documentary on Lada Nivas, personally

Show me on this doll where the socialism hurt you

Big ol oof.

Living in Texas like yourself, I see these occasionally and I seethe with jealousy.

Man, the bit about night riding brought back a memory for me...maybe a week after I got my SV650, I was headed back from the nearest Chili’s (because sometimes you need some honey-chipotle chicken crispers) and it got dark. Cruising along at a comfy 70mph, I passed an early ‘00's Chevy, the kind that are ubiquitous

I lowkey want these.

I’m still around! And yes, I agree.’re gonna buy it, right?

I’d rather have a Rivian, tbh

Also, if you don’t sell, you don’t get any of the increasingly scarce new inventory. We got our first new shipment in two months yesterday, it had 3 Explorers on it. That’s all.

Anyone else think Harrier is a FAR superior name?

This is the correct take.

Onslow-Cole mentions in the video that the company is working on a way to make the car sound like Star Wars space ships!”


That’s why I want to buy a No Boundaries trailer, so clean looking!

It’s a good car. I have two hybrid Fusions in my loaner pool, and they’re easily my favorites of the current Ford lineup, excluding things over 40 grand.

We keep a couple of powder tubes around the dealership I work at, they work wonders.

It is a bit much.