


If it gets the same 2.0 turbo as the Escape Titanium and Focus ST, it’ll be pretty quick too.

Suckers don’t know what they’re missing.

Good to hear...the manual market in new trucks is pretty dismal right now, I was pretty excited that the Gladiator has it as an option.

How good is the manual?
That’s what I want to know. Is it worth trading in my F150, because I dearly want a 4 door truck with a manual.

God, I spent the night in Newark once due to the plane having engine trouble and missing my connection....I was absolutely miserable. Shorts and a T shirt in March (I get hot in the actual plane usually), all my warmer stuff in my checked bags, and it got so damn cold in that terminal. And then the plane the next day

We took an Amtrak from Forth Worth up to Oklahoma City last year for my son and daughter’s birthdays (they’re only two weeks apart, and they both love trains, so we split the difference)

The kiddos loved it, and we had cell service for like 90% of the trip, so it wasn’t so bad. But it was only like 4 hours there, and

Logic is hard.

“If you must bury a pet, secure them in a plastic bag (like a trash bag) and tie it so it won’t open.”

Plastic. Burying plastic. Because your pet’s remains might be bad for the local environment. Wut.

So worth it. I start with a ketchup base, add mustard and teryaki (I don’t really measure...taste at every step), some spices and brown sugar, and honey (I like my sauce to cause diabetes)

It comes out a lovely brown color, and damn it tastes so good.

I love Sweet Baby Ray’s....but I’ve also mixed my own que sauce and it was wayyyyyy better. At least to me.

Sooooo, when do we get mayoketchtard? Cause that’s how I usually get a burger.

Damn. That’s a good looking car.

Damn Nazis. Always interrupting arguments.


That center console. Hnnnngh

Yeah, but they only work on Tuesdays.

It’s a pile of horse bones at this point, but keep on beating.

Holy shit it’s a Toe Jam and Earl game! Nostalga bonus 100