
I know you’re kidding. But if you ever see me doing anything that seems immodest, I hope you’ll tell me. (That goes for all of you!) The most pathetic thing in the world is when people who have a minor Internet following think they deserve special treatment.

In Russia, car defrosts you!

All I could think of during the Faraday Fantasy presentation.

I’m flying later today, and got this alert from Southwest.

Oh my. A wackjob.

LeMons is serious business.

He should write an apology Letter to the Philippians.

Yeah, he should have seen this exact, ridiculous scenario coming from a mile away! What a moron!

Something something liberal chemtrails, thanks Obama.

Digital crash testing could be a boon to motorsport and the sports production car segment. The manufacturers built Evo variants in the 1990s and GTO’s in the 1960s because production car racing allowed fewer modifications. Therefore, the motorsport equipment was engineered into low volume production cars. Today, it’s

So THAT’S why they call it a “Beamer!”

I so wish you hadn’t blurred this commentor. He/she/it (or something very much like him/her/it) bitches about almost every article I write with pretty much the exact same complaint. No editors? I think it’s worse that you can’t come up with more than one way to voice a complaint.

You ever have that moment when you are jamming to some song that you really like (whatever your musical tastes are) and out of nowhere something awful happens, and at first you completely ignore the music from the shock, but then you realize it is still playing, and you just want to yell at the stereo “Not now,

I’m thinking Doug vs a TDI and battle it out with VW, the EPA, and the environmentalists....and please have the car wrapped like above, it will look great at the dealership when you go in for the recall.

House for sale, only crashed into once, err maybe more than once, but not a whole lot. Free car with purchase, A/C needs a charge.

Generational solidarity star. I should have realised I was over my head when the salesman was clearly torn between selling the car and warning me off. I should have realised it when the head mechanic needed 40 minutes to walk me through the “potential areas of concern” that he was in no way willing to warrant or touch

Just a couple of points here, the Muslim population of the UK is 2.7m -equating to 4 .5% of the population. Within that, the vast majority do not support extremist views. The most alarmist, right wing tabloids estimate there could be 3000 Muslim extremists in the UK (so therefore an almost certainly exaggerated

Oh, I know. I know some lovely, well informed, well educated Americans. I have been fortunate enough to travel in the US and have found much to admire within the culture. This idea that the UK is under threat from Muslim immigration seems to assume that our culture is fragile, where it is quite the opposite. I am a

“How Would Blogging Be Different If Everyone Was On Peyote?”