but we’re not talking about you. We’re generalizing so we can dislike a certain group of people based on some internet based idea which may or may not be true...
Hopefully it is, if you don’t intend to procreate infants, I would suggest to auction it. They don’t build quality toys like that anymore, it can fetch good money.
Flew when parked
We shouldn’t anthropomorphize machines anyway. They hate it.
I think I have the right to know what butthole it had.
That car. I must halve it.
Skyfall was the one where the kids parents forget to take him and hes stuck fighting 2 burglars in a boobytrapped house right?
I intended to give you all the GoPro I have, because you need to hear this:
That doesn’t negate what I wrote, either.
For example, A loaded 1983 Volkswagen Golf/Rabbit GTI cost around $8000 brand new, which translated to just over $19,000 in today’s money. Fast forward to today, where a 2015 Golf GTI with all options ticked would set you back more than $31,000.
I really find the economic defensibility of pirating ridiculous. It’s silly and completely avoids the reason most (note, not all) people pirate: because they don’t want to or cannot afford to pay for something.
Missed a great opportunity here, Raph.
There are some traffic incidents in which the characters are so bad, we give up on life. And then there are traffic…
I feel this is especially true with Computers as well.
Neutral: Know anyone that bought Ferrari stock yet?
He was asking for it.
Motorcycle riders have a way to shut the whole thing down.
He must have secretly wanted to be hit.
If he didn’t want to be hit, he shouldn’t have dressed that way.
It must have been a consensual vehicular collision.
You know the old saying “Racist on Sunday, Crash on Monday”
Stupid racist idiot.