
No Astin Martin V8 Vantage. :(

Vikings or Cowboys?

F-Type didn’t make the list either. Elise, Evora, Esprit? Who makes these things?!?

The MGB didn’t get a mention? Yikes! I don’t think a single vehicle has ever done more to popularize the concept of a small, agile, 2 seat, roadster for the ‘average person’ than that car - not just in Europe or England, but around the world.  

I think I found who left the grill lit.

Started to correct the author on it being at the Cowboys-Bucs’ game but remembered THAT game was a dumpster fire.

However, while cars and tailgating go together like peas and carrots,”

“Now, I tell you this never would have happened with clean-burning propane.”

I feel like you’d have to Typhoon it just to get it to hit 55.  115 hp isn’t a lot to move that much...beige.

I want to GMC Typhoon this.

The NA Mercedes SLK55 would be fine if he never puts the top down. Corvettes are wasted on old people. I’m 30 and have a C5, use it for what it was made for and it’s perfect for what he’s looking for. Don’t knock the model for their first owners, and appreciate them for buying them new, taking good care of them, and

No Toyoburu recommendations? You can get one nearly new, with a warranty. They’re decent on gas and a shit-ton of fun to drive. 

Speaking of British bombs, let’s pour out a 40… of Guinness

This is cooler because I can drive it to the grocery store.

it’s a toy, at toy money, and presents well.  NP

Both cooler and cheaper (by far) than a RZR, though without nearly the off-road capability. Easy NP for me.

I’m sure he thought about this, but he’d be in a rush to get home on the weekends and all that extra time trying to figure out which Challenger/Charger isn’t his would eat into that time.

You’re missing the point though. A person that wants a Marauder doesn’t want to settle for just another Panther. This is a Marauder; not a Grand Marquis, not a Crown Victoria, not a Town Car. A Marauder. Sure, most people see a Marauder and see a blacked out Marquis. But not Marauder fans.

You could get a Grand Marquis for <$5k, but I don’t think you could ever get a halfway decent Marauder for that cheap.

Using my current market algorithm (“about twice what I’d expect to pay for it”) this asking price seems to fall right about where it should be.