
That’s a lazy, unmotivated seller!

Not unheard of...

Jeezus, Dude! Can’t you read?!? Her budget is $20,000.

Well damn it, I got here too late. Now the best answer is going to be buried at the bottom of the comments.

One of my favorite Hot Wheels!

Now playing

Dude! You can drown people on a lazy river!

True, but much closer than the 2400 miles from Troy to SF. Plus, he is even closer this week, being in Monterrey for the car show.

He was in LA over the weekend, hmmmm.

I like the bumperless look. I’d finish it off as a Red Pig Prequel.

I can’t decide between two of my personal attainable favorites:

I would say the main requirement would be that the car was designed/introduced in the 80's. Owen mentions the Countach, but that to me is a 70's car produced into the 80's. had several. About half were autos though. This was the best match including color and mileage and is only $201 cheaper. So I’d say the NPOND is reasonably, but not bargain, priced.

From the wikipedia article, cost was never mentioned as a reason for either of these omissions. The TT6 was chosen to shorten and lighten the car(as well as to meet emissions), and was based on the use of small turbo’ed engines in the Ferrari F40 and Porsche 959, two cars whose engines no one ever complains about.

Jaguar XJ220. The fact that buyers got so pissy that their still-fastest-production-car-in-the-world had a twin-turbo V6 rather than an NA V12, that they cancelled orders is the pinnacle of rich boy dick swinging.

“Used car dealer” and “legit” are two terms that never belong in a same sentence unless separated by the words “are never.

Ah yes, the Aspire. For people who aspire to eventually own a car.

I used to work with a woman named Fanny Young. I was in Scotland on business one of the first times she sent an email to the group I was working with over there. FYI, in the UK, “fannie” refers to a vagina, not butt. Our email system at the time put people’s last name, first. So the Scottish folk I was working with

Natasha: Boris, is Moose you said you killed in previous episode?

Contrary to popular belief, Texas is not all flat and boring. Sure, if you take I-10 across the state there will be some long boring stretches. But west from San Antonio to El Paso isn’t the worst you can do. Just west of SA is the hill country, which is very picturesque. As the hills flatten out into west Texas, you

Well, $3990 in 1988 is equivalent to $8976 in 2022, or using Rob math, $12 shy of $9000. So, is this car worth 88% of its original value? Eh, with the Radwood tax, probably so to the right buyer. I’m not the right buyer, but you only need to find one, so NP.