Maize Kraize

2013 has given us Upstream Color, so fuck yeah.


I saw them live two nights ago. The girl behind me kept talking about how there would be blood, since every good metal show has blood, and she wanted to bleed. I've never seen someone as angry at a band as when they opened with new stuff / a modern-dance version of Sanctified. She was so mad at Trent for making

For E.Buzz on his mindset. For the first Pitchfork reader-mail, I sent in a request for DiCresenzo to be brought back, written as a parody of his style, and they got him to respond to it. He explains how he started writing that way.

Maize Kraize's Made in America Round-up

Yo dawgs.  Anyone else gonna be at Made in America today?

My exgirlfriend was in an episode of Ed!

@avclub-4d0669d1c79eb21e516dbf8b5d5f03ad:disqus - He's Canadian.  It's a holiday up there.

I always mix it up with Gates of Heaven, which I love.

ugh i just woke up drunk and have work in two hours :/

Guys, no one watch!!!!

Goddammit people.

Hey, 16 year old Maize Kraize would just like to let you know that, being the first album in 4 years from the greatest band of all time, Nine Inch Nails' Hesitation Marks is the best album of the year, because rap isn't even MUSIC, man.

I don't know if it's just me, but for me, Comedy Bang Bang is one of the best 5 podcasts that is also a TV show, for me.

"You just went to the bathroom number 1 or number 2?"


I feel like it was Pulp and I.

I am always wondering if that strip was written before or after Cake Farts.

1) Brooklyn Nine-One-Nine or whatever it's name is.  The one with Andy Samberg and Chelsea Peretti.