You’d be surprised.
You’d be surprised.
It’s called white feminism for a reason, son.
Welcome to Gawker Media Group. If the genders are reversed and there is less melanin involved, this shit is a pearl clutching, judgmental magnum opus indictment of all things man.. But since she scuffed up a guy and broke no bones and used to date a rapper and she’s brown, it’s a full on Page Six lark.
Store bought smoked ham my ass. I fire up the barrel smoker and get to work. Marinade the meat for a day prior after working it over with a meat mallet and it comes out so tender.
God bless Nanna!
ESPECIALLY Jerry in accounting. That bastard.
Then they aren’t playing Spades. Me and mine would roast your ass until you were crying.
Was it, really? Be honest with yourself.
Sick burn, dude.
I’ve had my differences with your opinions in the past, but you’re pretty spot on here.
But they had so much in common!
But they had so much in common!
Yeah, no. No, we don’t.
DAMN, you stupid.
Hold up, there now. Everything comes down to circumstances. You kill someone while driving drunk and fuck the corpse, all it takes is two stints in rehab. One for booze and one for sex addiction. Then you’re gold again.
thanks for that tired, empty tripe. Way to say nothing but sound intellectual and reflective. Greta contribution on your part..
Not a Star Wars guy in the least, so I’ve literally got no skin in this game, but am I wrong to think that having to unlock through two most iconic characters is still some fuck shit?
Really? He was just as much of a pig when the first film got made, and she went through with that. Where was her moral outrage then?