maia culpa

oh goddamn those are cute. Thanks for my next drunk internet shopping purchase :/

This needs to be an inch shorter and then get the hell into my closet

Here is an actually transracial woman. She is, for all intents and purposes, a black woman. She’s never tried to be anyone but herself. And that is clearly fine - none of the people deriding Rachel Dolezal would feel the same way about this lady:…

the phrase “meat pumpkin” is making me gag (especially in relation to this sack of shit)

No hey wait, saying that just isn’t true.

Do it! We’re apparently always in need of good ones. I sure as hell couldn’t do it (and keep my liver)

wait i kind of like this help what’s happening to me

OMG I REMEMBER THIS. He was really good. And scary.

right? Please please do not be another toxic fandom that ruins an otherwise great show for me. The butthurt is strong with this one...

“..any time a WOC is nominated as competition?”

The last sentence caused an appreciative chortle. This is the sort of Christianity I can get behind....literally (ahem i’ll see myself out)

.... what do you think authenticity means? Relating to a character and understanding them has no bearing on having the context or emotional knowledge needed to effectively portray them. I can empathize with a struggling white male actor, but i have no idea what their actual lives/motivations look like so if I wanted

right??? It looks like Tara Jacoby, i want to be her when i grow up

you’ve just described mr. culpa. aaand i’ll be in my bunk

“These people seem to believe that made-up words are meticulously documented somewhere with verified definitions that are known and accepted by all who use the word and a lack of said documentation means they are free to create their own.”

That seems right to me? Like, he really, reeeaaally ain’t shit.

THIS, A THOUSAND TIMES. Hooray for hand-plus-mouth action! I basically only attempt deep-throating now to produce more saliva for said handy

(Sorry if this gets a little long, I’m at work and can’t edit easily): No, my situation isn’t everyone’s. But the narrative that she killed herself is dismissive, and here’s why: as more information comes to light about this case, many commenters here are of the opinion that the arrest/police officer was wrong, but

Sure, okay. It is within the realm of reasonable doubt that she killed herself in a rather difficult way after a mood-altering, purely speculative concussion and about 72 hours without medical care.

can’t delete posts, kinja sux :(