Mahmet Tokarev (Tajik Pride)

They're both horrible, but I'd say 2 Broke Girls is worse. Two and Half Men relied on very tired and often-repeated jokes about its obnoxious characters. 2BG is essentially just a couple of cute girls saying "MUH VAGINA HAHA CHINESE PEOPLE ARE DORKS HAHA ETHNIC ACCENTS."

I think he was the librarian in a previous episode.

Was anyone else weirded out by the fact that the revolving restaurant's windows don't revolve?

Craig had instant, effortless rapport with so many of his guests. His interviews with Alison Brie are fantastic.

Man I hope it's Aisha Tyler. I mean if we can't have Craig Ferguson, it might as well be Aisha. I've been non-creepily following Aisha's career since Talk Soup, and she's a natural at the kind of chilled out comedy Craig was so great at.

Has anyone else noticed that this show is basically Nikita now?

I feel like Bighead's role is just to give a POV character inside Hooli. Startups can be interesting, but companies like Google really are a ripe subject for mockery and satire.

Is there really never going to be regular coverage of this show?

Diane knew. Some woman told Diane she hated her because she was with the Duke.

Mayor would be a step down from his current job though. The mayor is a purely symbolic position.

Aisha Tyler wrote a book (Swerve: A Guide to the Sweet Life for Postmodern Girls) many years ago (this was way before Archer). I was a fan of hers from the old Talk Soup show that aired on E!, so I flipped through it at the library. It had a long and detailed story about how she was introduced to the concept of

Pierce is one character I will never miss. It wasn't Chase's fault really. He was just written to be obnoxious and horrible.

Favorite episodes this season anyone?

In 2009 the G8 came to Pittsburgh and enraged the whole city. Shortly after that there was a large furry convention and they delighted everyone with their crazy costumes.


Weird. I really liked this episode. I guess what I like about this show is the freewheeling craziness.

What is "Real Time?"

I don't think people are too negative about these shows. HIMYM is widely agreed to be pretty bad in its later seasons.

I love how Annie mouthed that she was spraying them with Hector's massive dick and shoving a fist up their butts. She get's really sexual when playing RPGs.

I love Nina and Lance. The scene in the Nina's birthday episode when Lance bros out with a biker dude in a bar is fantastic.