
@Zolbrod: True... it's just a high-pitched whine to me <

@Befitzero: Yeah... especially since it doesn't really sound natural either. Like you cannot distinguish anyone's voice

I dunno, do you really need 48 people in one band?

LOL, I love the start of this article.

@ourovoros- double posts strike back: Haha true.. but I HATED the floaters. Even though they don't spawn eggs inside you, they had mind probes, and almost ALWAYS had a primed alien grenade.

@c-rag: Oh god the SNES version was glorious. I remember how frantic I was when I had to get the bomb out of my head.

The crysallids and floaters and reapers are not going to be as terrifying if there's no being helpless where you are when they are roaming everywhere, footsteps! The whole turn based part of it made it fun and exciting. Hearing the screaming of those innocent civilians during terror missions because you didn't have

Why would you do this. It's like what they did to Shadowrun....

@djricekcn: I thought they were auctioning the joystick, and donating the proceeds to the family.

I dunno.. I'm ultra skeptical, N3 was a horrible game.

@Izzy Monstah: Why haven't you played it?? Now that's a crime :(

@heretrix: If I recall, "space bucks" are 1:1, and you can pay for a specific amount, not in sets. I dunno why you would buy more than needed, but that's what I remember.

@1up: Silent Hill is definitely the leading contender for horror games (I do not consider RE to be horror).

@RexMaximus: Yeah.. well even then I wouldn't worry so much about the out-of-placeness. I mean in the past, iterations there were references to Policenauts, ZOE, CalorieMate, Ape Escape.. but there's something about seeing a Pepsi and Doritos in my MGS..

@fuchikoma: Yeah, I was thinking more 2D, but I see moreso what you meant~

@gundaman: I think the closest one was that one basketball game, with the Chaos Dunk in it.

@BreadKnight: Lol I have no clue. But long enough to have myself associate Jade to that, permanently.

@bboyser8: Yeah, but the models are all recycled still..