The Overmind

Suddenly this does not seem to be as good of an idea as I thought it would be: []

Now playing

I don't know. Those things can be used for good rather than evil too! Don't believe me? Ask MysteryGuitarMan!

@falkon: Not annoying? It was horrible! Specially tha buz.....ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD

@Ophite: HOLY F***ING SH*T!

@Tomb: R.O.A.C.H.: I don't care who wins, I just want to see the fight....and pray that it is looooong, my.

@ngtx: At least he's always in a good mood I guess

@Hahaue: Aaaaaargh! Someone please pass the brain-bleach!

Beyond Good and Evil 2 doing well and now this?

I love the original game. I still play it from time to time and really am THRILLED to see the sequel doing nicely. I hope that they keep the same type of soundtrack. The music for the original one is HILARIOUS!

@nagumi: Or maybe the "light" in lightsaber does not refer to light as in photons but light as in weight.....

@zer0zen: Sorry! Sometime I just forget. Next thing I know I'm lecturing people on how to make a good omellete and smacking them with a wooden spoon....and not in the good way.

@TheRevanchist2: Malibu, condensed and evaporated milk, blend with bunches of ice. Add some apple juice and mix or drink as is.

@SirTheGentleman: Have your girlfriend paint herself in blue body paint after she drinks the same thing and you're in for the full experience!

@sirjordan186: I didn't. By the way, have you seen my stapler? It's red. And it's MINE.