Magnificent Octopus

Short version of the Korean game;

Imagine if this ends up succeeding again because we get out of the pandemic and we suddenly get nostalgia.

None of the themed weeks are ever going for any sort of cultural “truth”, they’re just there for a loose theme to hang some challenges on. Prue probably does think of a lot of German desserts as Christmasy, and considering celebrating Christmas is arguably one of the biggest gifts Germany has given England besides the

Okay NOW I’m getting old because this is a franchise I never heard of and yet we’re three movies deep?

The little looks they give are so fun to watch—I appreciated Mags ability to smile sincerely through every disaster, while being cheeky, and Giuseppe’s surprised expression when they told him he had 90 minutes to make the Sticky Toffee looked like he just learned he was chosen for The Squid Game.

Look, I have one job on this lousy site! It’s stupid, but I’m going to do it, okay?!

The Dirtmeister, makin’ corrections! 

*Letitias Wright and Robs Schneider

Kettle! Why, real drinkers use a contraption made of mirrors and lenses to harness the power of the sun!

I take back every last horrible, anger filled, douchebaggy thing I have ever said about Dave Grohl ever and hereby swear not to speak ill of him unless he does something so horrible I have to.

Probably only a matter of time til she gets sued by the Nevermind baby.


I honestly don’t know if this comment is satirical or not, and I find that unsettling.

The classic:

the future of the site will belong to a capital organization that will find a way to monetize its decline.

Him and Stephen Fry on QI was just gold:

Wilson knows when I open the cheese compartment. Not the identical butter compartment on the other side of the French doors. He isn’t watching either because he comes running from other rooms.

It’s crazy that you never really understand how large and unattractive your head is until there isn’t all that hair to hide it.

the same mediocre saccharine crap that passes for music today”