
While the western intervention is perceived universally positively in the media, France and Britain get credit (even though they relied on the US to hold their hand).

The US was not the primary source of weapons OR money for Saddam.

"They not only have what is left of the equipment that we sold Saddam back in the 1970's"

I'm not bitter, I'm trying to educate you mind-numbingly stupid limeys so that you won't look like such witness little drones every time you speak. Consider me your teacher.

"Instead I'm going to poke you, and ask, when did America Join WWII, and why?"

Basically you've already made up your mind and have no desire to be confused by facts that I provided. You're a coward. You oppose what I said not because it's inaccurate, but because it's so accurate it rips to shreds your beliefs that you favor over the truth.

I bet there's not a single munition, mine, or IED on earth that couldn't be taken out by an incendiary .50 BMG round.

1) Many countries were also involved in those wars, they don't get the same degree of scrutiny. You know what's funny about you Brits especially? When I as in the UK in 2004 I met a Brit who was doing what you're doing, blaming the US and the US alone for military adventures that the Brits themselves were involved in.

"Firstly, the US was not the greatest force in Libya."

Don't get me wrong, I love lasers. But if they have line of sight to a mine or IED, why don't they just use small arms to detonate it? What this laser takes 30 seconds to do, I think a well-placed .50 BMG round could do just as well, and instantly. In fact, I've seen videos from Iraq and Afghanistan of US troops

What was ignorant about it? Can you point that out or is your response to anything you don't want to hear just to call it ignorant?

You're British, it goes without saying actually.

Then explain the lack of bile directed at sensitive, self-important douchbags like you?

This whole thing is ridiculous. I can't believe the double-standards in how everything is reported.

Jim Beam. That's my dessert.

Ice Cream looks freaking fantastic. I'm all excited right now for the first time in a while about a gadget.

Wow, wow. That is a sexy phone. The new UI reeks of the future.

You must be really oblivious and gullible if you can watch Jersey Shore and not notice the very obvious scripted elements, fabricated situations created with clever editing, and the actors they use as extras sometimes.

This is the best thing about the US military; initiative, innovation, and adaptation by soldiers on the ground. Military bureaucracy is so slow sometimes the soldiers just have to take matters into their own hands, and when they do they usually come up with simple yet ingenious modifications to their gear or

They're not even real people. They're characters. Most of the show is scripted.