
Well Trump was the villain of Back to the Future II so it kind of all makes sense

So its all BIG PARTICIPATION TROPHY behind all this.

Honestly, though at that age anyone who emphasizes winning over learning how to play, is probably a douchebag or pedophile. I watched my nephew’s U6 soccer game, and it was rare when all the kids were running in the right direction, let alone actually playing anything resembling soccer. To claim that as a “victory”

I’ve heard this argument a lot, but I think it assumes kids are wayyyyy dumber than they actually are.

They call it smileboating

The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Cubs on Monday night:

Every time I almost feel sorry for Indians fans I see pictures like that one woman gingerly clutching her Chief Wahoo board and then I’m just so happy they lost. Fuck them.

Bryant’s smile as that final ground ball rolled to him was priceless.

Some perspective on how historic this is:

TMZ should have asked Simmons if he was aware Peyton Manning will ALWAYS be 3-1 against New England in AFC Championship Games just to watch him combust into flames.....

“My” supposed ace? I’m not a Dodgers fan. I’m a baseball fan who doesn’t buy into lazy narratives.

Here’s what’s super sad...any0ne who believes him is delusional...and not because I love Hilary (blech) but because I love common you know why they produce Iphones in China? Because China has no environmental regulations, no health/safety (aside from suicide nets) and dirt cheap labour...the logical

I call bullshit.

Confidence trumps everything.
Own what you got, whatever it is.

Speak for yourself! Some of us bald guys do pretty outstanding for ourselves.

But often that hat is for sun/cold protection.

If we don’t wear hats, we get nasty sun spots all over our heads! Personally though I opt for the fedora or skull and bones bandana.

Just be bald. Shave your head, its fine. I don’t get the obsession. You probably have waaay worse flaws than bad hair anyway.


Just be bald. Shave your head, its fine. I don’t get the obsession. You probably have waaay worse flaws than bad hair anyway.