
The dock contains an fan who cools the Switch. This allows you to overclock it and increase resolution while docked.

You can not have an dock with an external graphic card on the Swift.
A lots of reasons why this don’t work, price range and restriction on this sort of systems for pc is the best one.

Or just sitting in the passenger seat of the car.
Not being able to use your phone while on the bus, I though it was mandatory to use your phone on public transportation.

That is obvious, yes an autopilot should stop you from ramming the front of your garage. Perhaps an button or other setting to disable the automatic features in settings they will not work like heavy snow or offroad.

An snow ridge is an everyday setting here, the snowplow left an ridge between the road and your driveway, its just loosely packed snow but the car see it as an 30 cm high wall.
If its deep snow behind you might even want to enter at some speed to not get stuck.

The red cross is based on the Swiss flag, you could simply claim it an Swiss flag outline.  
It has also been used for all sort of medical stuff for more than half an decade. I say its a bit late to start protecting it now.

Banks have counting machines for coins so you just bring them to the bank, you have to deposit the cash anyway so the main issue is the extra weight.

Or simply having an extra time from time out to sleep mode, say 10-20 minutes.
To me it looked like it was either message or sleep mode.
This should be simple to patch.

Its various ways to burn diesel, if you burn it hot it efficient and you get less fuel use and co2 emissions, however it give plenty of NOx.
If you burn it cooler your efficient drop some but NOx drops more, you emit more co2 and use more fuel.

Car manufactures liked the small efficient turbo charged diesel engines as

An evilness who is cruel even for the empire.

Was on an plane there we was asked to move backward, plane was less than half full and most had selected seats in front part so it was not so strange.

Any driving school will teach you the same if an chance of icy roads.
Same rule applies and at far lower speeds making it more important.
And yes the natural response is to hit the brake so you have to suppress it.

The low income = more accidents is probably more an teen = more accident effect.

The US presidential limo is way worse.
15 ton can best be described as an armored personnel carrier designed to look like an limo. Less luxurious but so expensive it would not matter much.

Yes lots of similarities in design also the hand controls and the glass cockpit

An small and powerful car engine should work well.

Who make me thing on toilets in mountain cabins because the comments above :)

As its expensive it will not work as an gimmick, this is not a problem.
Main issue as I see it is that it looks too hard to make an AAA game so it also work nice in VR.
Having some of them would push VR sales and generate an snowball.

Its easy to get your username its also required to store in My documents.
Downside is that it might not be your name.
An laptop you get from workplace often has something else.

Oblivion runs on an older version of the engine.
Yes it would be far more work than Skyrim, they would need to remake many textures, just using an higher resolution would not cut it.
Think most world models could pass, character models must change but moders has done this. Same with physic, combat too.
Improved voice

Nice smokescreen. if the jamming is just as well it would be hard to hit.