
yeah i think the difference is, those gimmicks aren’t part of the base models for FCA vehicles. so they are almost always functional and can be deleted or changed easily if they start looking dated or corny. Jeep and Dodge do those things the right way. i don’t know if that was Planktron’s original point, but i don’t

This, but complicated by Germans

Can we do a gofundme to pay their domain registration for the rest of time?

Augustus Gloop

I did that last year with the 04 XC70, 4 months in the oil pump gave out and it developed a terminal case of rod knock. Hence why it needs an engine.

Fix up the Corvair.

probably because the mask gets wet and broken down and useless

As if a fucking beer koozy is appropriate material for a mask you’re supposed to breathe through.

Underrated comment

These pissant fuckers are refusing to wear masks, and their pissant red state politicians are declining to enforce mask-wearing, for one simple reason: right-wingers in the USA care more about abstract concepts like unlimited individual liberty, than they do about solving real-world problems.

True, but at this point we all know better, so anyone who points to advice from 3 months ago as to why they are still doing something that is now universally panned is being intentionally obtuse.

Oh, they didn’t miss the opportunity. That’s Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale rocking a maga mask in the White House. If there's a way to fleece his fans they'll find it.

When all your news comes from sources telling you COVID-19 is just another flu, the warnings are a hoax to make your president look bad, masks can make you sick, and the only point in wearing masks is to show compliance with the Deep State; everyone wearing a mask is a foolish tool that you can enlighten and free, all

Look, here is the best analogy I can give you for how the Republican mindset works:

I agree with you that people should understand that wearing a mask is about more than protecting yourself but I gotta place some blame on the CDC. In the early days of the outbreak they told the whole country that masks were not necessary.

A question well asked is half answered. They don’t care about anyone but themselves; that’s why they’re assholes.

Typically the spring material is high hardness and if the coating cracks it will form a tiny stress concentration on the surface leading to a start on a fatigue crack. It’s a sign the spring is designed to the limit of the material. If a lot of them go in the same place it’s probably because the coating in that area

Pole vault.

It’s a very annoying and stupid thing Tesla is up to. I mean if it’s on a car when being sold, taking it off later amounts to theft. The argument that it’s a software and is licensed to the first owner doesn’t hold water.

Yea, is there a new 2020 Range-Topper Definition I’ve missed now that I have gray hairs?