
You can scare them with the regular V8 one, trust me. I scared people with a freaking diesel one. Non-car people are easily frightened by sudden applications of torque.

I have a friend selling a six door limo with an LT-1. A few choices mods and a 100 shot should do the trick.

I can show you how to scare the shit out of your extended family with just 200hp...

Lebanon, right? I somehow find it reassuring that, in this time when the world seems bent on pissing each other off, there’s still stuff that can bring us all together, like the Scandi Flick.

Because it does! (LOL, that was my first impression too - due to the colorfulness of the card.)

It reflects the flag. You’ll notice the red and white and the people are blue. To play off black and blue I’m guessing. But I thought the Avatar thing too at first.

To be completely fair, it’s the usher’s job to clean up the popcorn I throw on the ground in the theater.

Blind spots? I think he forgot to check his mirrors period.

To be even more completely fair, this wasn’t a left lane cruiser, but someone who’d pulled over to the left to help two drivers merge. Leaving aside the eventual DWI, it only went wrong when the Camry driver pulled back into the right lane just as the BRZ driver had given up on them doing so and attempted to pass.

The US doesn’t have lane discipline and that’s what you get a result.

Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!

Apparently it was his second DUI.

Camry guy is a big asshole for driving drunk, doing the whole hit and run thing, etc.

Now, driving drunk is bad...mmmkay?

Not so grounded to the ground now...

The dangers of passing on the right

Thats alot of money to spend to ensure the public knows about a car that wont be anywhere but the dealers service center.

Concrete proof that Jalopnik is full of shit. Ace detective work there.

That’s because Jalopnik now is different from old Jalopnik. I miss old Jalopnik.

They were overdue for an edgy “I have to talk negatively about something other people like” post.