
not racing until 2022? So its going to have giant dumb kidney grills?

Dude, i always thought you were funny, but the range... from gay horse to Garrison Keillor sex tape to biden hennesey ads... I’m impressed and proud to call you some guy on the internet I know of and read stuff and watch occasionally. That’s an elite group. Cherish it. 

if you go camry or corolla, i think its possible 

I agree with you, for 500-1000 you can find a shitbox that will run for years still, however i think he needs to leave his comfort zone, and he needs to look into the least shitty corolla/camry/civic/accord/ Ls400 he can get his hands on

lol the honda and toyota is not jarring at all... I would not do a double take if I saw this in person, and their designs are rather similar, especially when you swap the badges. 

oh i believe someone is profiteering from it for sure, but had they followed through with my idea it would have at least given Eric something to do.

Agreed. Honestly a “’UGE” missed marketing opportunity, they could have sold millions of MAGA MASKS* and Trump/Pence 2020 masks and funded most of the campaign, coulda made em right here in the ol US OF A too and “created jobs” during a time of high unemployment.

Agreed that that was a misfire, but they were pretty open, at least on trust worthy news sites that this was mostly in response during the PPE shortage, and maybe I am misremembering, but I feel like they were pretty open about that within 2-3 weeks of the initial mask statement.


Seriously, whats with the anti maskers? why you gotta be a grating asshole that clearly states you don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself?

the looks you will draw on the highway alone make it worth the cost. 

The problem with this line of thinking, is that the “jumped the shark” version already exists.

can we make a bigger push about this? clearly it is not well known information given the amount of reporters I see with valved masks on national news outlets, whitehouse press conferences etc. 

i’m pretty sure you just forged in fire’d my ass. Also your handle is highly ironic as I have been consulting in the drone industry for the bulk of my career. Hope you’re safe and sound random internet friend.

yep, its a coil spring. Had both fail on my e46 recently, mechanics theory is that once the protective coating goes a little they just rust out internally unseen. you probably havent noticed a new clunk because its being covered by a previously existing clunk. 

its good, but its no Primal Scream of Bruce

Having not read the book, I enjoyed the movie for an action movie that while it did not hold much sustenance, told the classic underdog story in a unique form of dystopian future, all of which is fairly on the nose.

Throw BMW into the mix, everyone associates them with the I6, which rightfully so, but their most iconic car, the m3, has had a 4, 3 inline 6 variations, and a v8.


Next we need to see what happens if you previously purchased a tesla with these features, sold it, and purchase a new tesla without said features if tesla will upgrade the new car, as the buyer in this case at one time purchased the license to these products.