100ms is slow for a dual clutch... no? SMGII in the e46 m3 can crack off 80ms from a single clutch.
100ms is slow for a dual clutch... no? SMGII in the e46 m3 can crack off 80ms from a single clutch.
go for it. Always like seeing a holden badged properly.
Get your night-vision goggles out, folks, or else you may miss somthing.
WAIT.... no haters guide for 2018? Cmon Drew, speech to text is good enough, if anything will make it funnier with what ever shit siri thought you said.
Not sure i buy that completely, I mean I suppose they would know, and fenders, hood and bumper aren’t too difficult to do.
hawkeye also had a revised dccd which incorporated a limited slip, and 07 brought a torsen rear differential. Interiors are slightly different as well. Yes its mild. Hawkeye also looks better :)
Are we all going to gloss over the fact that the first car was an 06/07 and not an 05?
bmw did it first.
im fairly certain they’re the pirellis, as one of the images clearly shows the pirelli logo on said tie.
it looks like something Will I Am designed.
meanwhile, mclaren is lining the floor of the speedtail with premium leather.
is that where they get the wardrobe for Cam on Modern family?
Bosnian is pretty solid.
so wait, in the UK they dont get car ads of FWD Cars drifting all over an expanse of dirt? Or drifting into a parking spot? What would TV ad spots be like without cross overs on skidpads?
I disagree with Balaban on the dual clutch systems, those are automated, however not AUTOMATICS. No torque converter= not an automatic, its something else.
im not sure its better. honestly its more jarring than the previous iteration. why does it have fangs?
That has to be an F1 drivers ultimate dream, right? I know in public appearances they have the opportunity to drive on regular roads, but lets face it, wouldn’t every race car driver want the opportunity to take their car on their favorite mountain road?
must be nice not to have to go to buffalo for “hot wings”. /Dadjoke
any early 2000's bmw before bangle went off the deep end, so e46 m3, e39, e38, even the x5 of that vintage. The x3 looked like dookie.