You know, Clarkson in the critically acclaimed “The Sweeney” championed for modes to be featured, buttons to be pressed and the audience to know it.
You know, Clarkson in the critically acclaimed “The Sweeney” championed for modes to be featured, buttons to be pressed and the audience to know it.
Not a big fan of bridgewater acura. Bought a used e46 m3 off of them, neglected to have a PPI done but was assured it would pass inspection. It didn’t, and they weren’t willing to lift a finger to help.
I think what every car enthusiast really wants is something that encompasses the diversity of a weekly meet, combined with the ability to safely enjoy the aspects of cars we all actually enjoy, such as performance, sound, speed, and vehicles in motion. We need a combination of goodwood FOS, and NOPI.
Similar Hijinks did SoWo in. Its unfortunate that the few can ruin it for the many. That said, it sounds like someone needs to create the car equivalent of Sturgis or Daytona Bike week.
It looks like a Dystopian FJ cruiser.
A shelby Series 1 vert? fairly bad ass even though the underlying car is kinda crap.
someone let “whose your daddy” go to his head way too far.
Meat Cutes?
they dont have a JV team? Scrap the JV team for the year, make them all varsity players, deal with the shit season (which they’re already doing) and promote the JV kids for not being assholes?
Hell Yes. I’ve always liked McNish, maybe its from watching truth in 24 too many times, but I feel like I know the guy, even though he has no clue who the hell I am.
I have always used the two interchangeably. However I do seem to recall back during the industrial revolution that a “Steam Engine” referred to the overall machine, and the motor was the power assembly.
I d0nt think Sister Christian was singing about teslas.
sounds like we need the shuttle again then, because a few days trip in a cramped souyez sounds like death.
LOVE the KCCO tag as well. Chive on haphazard bumper scratcher!
Why dont they just concentrate on doing what they do best, electric motors? Be like, Aye Elon, our motors are 20% more efficient than the shit you use.
Sounds very similar to what subaru does with DCCD control.
I feel like aston/Redbull might take umbrage with the design.
how many cars and coffee attendees will it get through?
if they dont name it the Geoff....