
@Quotidian_Hr: I was thinking the same thing, "Look how cute they are...until they chew your face off."

@PlaidNinja: I hope I'm not coming off like some humorless 80 year old man that yells at kids to get off the lawn. Naw, really, I did see the humor in it. I get a bit nerdy about bees and have a compulsion to get factual info out about them. Plus it's interesting stuff. They are odd creatures.

@Smeagol92055: I know right. Spiders, honey bees, mantids...yikes.

@PlaidNinja: In the natural world mating for the honey bees goes like this: Queen leaves the colony and flies to a Drone Congregation Area (D.C.A) which is somewhere away from the hive and about 600 feet in the air. She mates multiple times with various drones (male honey bees). The drones reproductive organs are

I am a beekeeper so with that said...

Yes...and...You are supposed add a couple drops of water to good Scotch or Whiskey to help it bloom.

@AGlassBubble: Agreed. If heavy machinery is involved or others health and safety then yes, it makes sense...I assumed that was a given.

@leeit2me: While Camel Spiders are obviously demons from another dimension they aren't that big. In that particular photo the perspective makes them look larger than they are. Needless to say they are nightmarish and give me the heebie jeebies.

The way I look at it is weed dulls the pain and gets you a little goofy. Win win.

Or you can save your money and and just boil water like everyone else does. If I see this at anyone's house I will smash it Animal House style.

That ain't no tattoo gun. This is a real tatto gun (and yes, the term is "gun" not "machine").

@nonloso: You're right. We know very little about the long term effects.

@gm0n3y: I hear ya. The 1100 is a beast. I like the S2R & S4Rs as well. For some reason the white 1198 really, does it for me. Gorgeous.

@magista: BTW, they also have giant geckos (Rhacodactylus Leachianus) on New Caledonia.

I've seen video of crows dropping nuts in front of cars at red lights, light turns green, the cars run over the nuts, then the crows fly down and collect the goodness inside.

@gm0n3y: The Monsters are great bikes. Much different than the SC line. I've ridden my buddies 696 and it's a hoot but when you open up on that 1000cc L-Twin stuffed into the SC your bung puckers. Plus being a fan of older/vinto vehicles the SC works for me. But yes, the Monsters are fantastic bikes.

Looks friendly enough until it buries you in it's crawlspace.