Steve Canyon

So? You said yourself that the writer, director, and producer are all gay men. Shouldn’t they portray this accurately, to the best of their ability? I get that they’re not going to please everyone, but to take such a symbolic act (the throwing of the first brick) away from Marsha P. Johnson, a black trans woman who

Yes. It’s entirely possible for the cis, white gay men who produced, directed, and wrote this move to have bias towards trans people of color, specifically trans women of color. It’s entirely possible that they wanted to frame this event in a way that makes a cis white gay man seem like the hero, not only because it

Oh wow, the "anything popular sucks" person. Most people are able to get beyond that by 20 years old.

This is the wrongest thing I ever read. Achtung Baby is in no way, shape or form “soccer mom” stuff and it’s by far their best record. In fact at the time it represented a bold move away from arena/anthem /preacher rock. War is their second best. Baah. Whatever.

Now playing

“I stopped being a fan because they became popular” — wow, real original. Who cares about the musical content? The really important thing is you. You stopped being part of a special niche, and that means it sucks.

Yup. Look at “The Walking Dead”. Most popular show on cable, but the writing is absolute crap, and there aren’t many capable actors on that show besides Melissa McBride, who plays Carol. Addictive as fuck? Sure. But it’s a soap opera with zombies and nothing more. Meanwhile, shows like “Rectify” and “The Knick” go

Looks very promising, but...

Ken Burns’ documentary, Prohibition, had an interesting section about the women who organized the temperance movements and how that bled into the suffragette movement.

I needed to see this trailer to be reminded of how far women have come. I have been depressed for the past two weeks because my church voted, once again, to not allow women’s ordination. The arguments against were exactly the same as the arguments against women’s suffrage, i.e. our lady brains are not as good as men’s

I don’t understand the point of this movie. For it to make any kind of sense, they have to be legitimate villains. It seems like Joker, Quinn, and a few others will be actual villains with any meat to them, and everyone else is going to be a generic “good guy who just went too far” kind of bad guys, and I