
I think in the grand scheme of things, “White South Africans” are probably one of the five least sympathetic groups on the planet. Right there with Actual Nazis (including neoconfederates, the alt-right in general, the Klan, etc), members of the Trump family, sex predators, and people who didn’t like Black Panther.

Yeah, this kid’s dad is the one stirring shit. Maybe he did get his ass kicked. Speaking as a white guy who went to the sort of school where he was the only white guy on the bus, this shit doesn’t happen without a reason. Maybe he was saying the n word or ratted some kid out who he saw smoking weed once or something.

Yeah. He learned from his enemies, alright. He learned a little too well.

There are a lot of fine teachers out there. There are also a lot of dumb motherfuckers repeating some wrong shit that some other dumb motherfucker told them in the year dot and they’ll never stop unless kids who know better start calling them out.

I really think that if you take his four specials from the past year and take, just, a brutal edit to them, you leave with the best comedy special ever made. That said, Dave clearly doesn’t do that anymore. The Bird Revelation is BARELY a standup special. It mostly comes off as the extended ramblings of a bitter and

Thanks for putting the picture they used behind the jump. Showing infinitely more class, discretion, and common goddamn sense than apparently anyone at Newsweek is capable of.

No, he’s actually a highly advanced, semi-sentient fungus. The spores emitted in his rage spittle infect and degrade the neurological functions of those nearby who suffer prolonged exposure.

So, if the feds seize the Wu-Tang album, which, as we all know, carried as a condition of sale the provision that at any point, the Wu Tang Clan can enlist the aid of Bill Murray to steal the album back in an elaborate heist... does that mean that the Wu Tang Clan and Bill Murray can now legally steal from the federal

I dunno, maybe start by trying to be a decent person without expecting a fucking cookie for it? And not threatening to take your decency ball and go home if someone writes something that you find mildly critical of your bullshit? Being an “ally” or a “good white person” isn’t so hard, it’s just being decent without

Now playing

They don’t need a team of hand-picked badasses, they have Jeff Kaplan:

The more I progressed along Mishima’s social link the more I was expecting him to start telling me about this one subreddit he found that totally, like, changed his world view, man. And when he showed up in one of Futaba’s outings I immediately went “UH UH. NO. HELL NO. NOT YOU, YOU BACK THE FUCK UP AWAY FROM HERE

It, of course, goes to Nicolas Cage’s son, who is straight up named Kal-El Coppola Cage.

My favorite ones I saw at East were the Dark Souls Bonfire guy, who had a full-scale bonfire prop that doubled as a mass device charger. That’s impressive forethought.

I’m not entirely finished with the game yet, though I sense I’m close to the endgame. A while ago the game fully clicked with me and I realized what it actually is.

Pfft. Mimikyu is obviously Missingno. If you look under its costume your save file gets corrupted.

You should check out Griffin’s Amiibo Corner and their Hearthstone videos (#StonerZNation) too. Also any overview video that Griffin and Justin do together, especially Catlateral Damage for some next-level little brother trolling.

I started playing Xenoblade Chronicles X yesterday. When Lin was introduced, I didn’t think she was 13. I thought she was 12. That entirely comes from my very western, very liberal sensibilities. Sexualizing her at all strikes me as creepy and weird, but, and this is important, technically permissible.

Not exactly hidden, but the entire USS Constitution questline, siding with the robots. Fantastic stuff.

I think they all have their upsides. The Brotherhood is the most outwardly fascist, their ideology is uncompromising and rather narrow. That said, they also could provide the most stability and security to the Commonwealth. Whether that’s worth the freedom that will be surrendered to them, and their views on

Yeah I did a similar thing in my Sanctuary Doom Fortress on XBOne. The whole structure isn’t as large, but the power armor bays are definitely fun.